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~ Reed's POV

"Did you know that you could fracture your balls?"

I slowly turn my head to face him.

Then turn my head down to look at the crotch of my pants.


I look back to him. "Where the fuck did you learn that?"

"It happened to my brother. He had to go to the hospital and they had to fix them." Jesse shrugs.

I glance down to my crotch area again. A shiver runs down my spine. That sounds...painful.

Before I could respond someone slides ontop of my desk.

"Hi Reed." Liz smiles down at me, her eyes twinkling.

"Sup." I purse my lips together.

"So after football practice later I was wondering if you wanted to hang out." She lifts up her hand to my hair and tugs lightly on a lose light brown curl playfully.

A forced smile creeps onto my face. "Can't. I gotta study." I hate when people touch me but I feel mean for some reason for telling them to stop, so instead I uncomfortably sit there.

Her smile fades lightly. "Oh. Well maybe I'll see you later." She hops off my desk and sends me a smile before going to her seat.

Jesse leans in closer to me, "You realize she wants to fuck you right? She's hot, go for it."

I shrug awkwardly and scratch the back of my neck.

He shakes his head in disapproval. "You're nuts," he mutters under his breath.

"At least my nuts aren't dislocated." I grin.

He flips me off.

My bottom lips slides into my mouth as I try to hide my laugh. I absently tap my pencil on the desk.

"Why don't you go for it then?" I ask him. Man is always desperate to get some, even if he is probably more sexually active than the entire football team.

Jesse crosses his arms over his chest and shakes his head no, accentuating his arm muscles. His long legs are spread out and relaxed under the desk.

He tends to prefer his own race, black girls. Except he's a good looking dude. Nose stud with stud earrings, short cut hair, brown skin, 6'2, and a football player build. If he wanted he could probably get any girl he wants.

I personally don't have a preference. If she's hot, she's hot.

The bell rings and Ms. Dawson gets up to close the door, signaling that it's time to shut the fuck up.

I hate this place. Not necessarily school. But this specific class makes me want to fall asleep and never wake up.

Once they started adding fractions into the mix of this shit I realized that math isn't my thing.

About five minutes into her teaching the door creeps open.

Mrs. Dawson looks over annoyed from where she stands at the chalkboard.

"Ms. Salinas. You're late," she grits through her teeth.

Annalise glances over to Ms. Dawson, looking unbothered. "My bad." Without another word she walks over to her desk in the back.


My head rests in my hand as I watch her walk to her seat. Her face is straight and her eyes stay focused on her seat as she walks. Once she's finally seated Ms. Dawson sighs tiredly and lifts her hand to continue writing on the board as she speaks.

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