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~ Annalise

The glass is cold against my forehead, banging into my forehead repeatedly as we drive. It hurts but I'm too lazy to sit up.

"Bitch if you don't just pick your head up. I'm getting a headache just looking at you."

I lift my head off the window and turn to smile at Blake from the passenger seat.

"I can't believe I actually agreed to go with you guys," I say while looking at the cars in front of us.

"Ro is just so convincing that he managed to drag both of us here," Blake shrugs. I grin.

"If I'm so convincing then maybe I should become a lawyer then. Maybe even the next Elle Woods," Ro smirks and takes a sharp right turn.

I practically fall on my side into the door. "Shit dude! Are you tryna kill me?" His driving scares me every time I get in a car with him.

"Maybe hehe," he covers his mouth with his hand for a split second before returning it back to the steering wheel.

I turn my head slowly and stare at him. "You did not just say hehe."

He side eyes me and tightly smiles.

I cough out a laugh from his thirteen year old girl giggle impression.

"The guy in the car next to us is texting and driving," Blake announces while pointing to the car.

Ro turns his head and rolls his window down. "Get off your phone idiot!" My eyes go wide when he yells that.

His eyes go wide and he shuts off his phone before driving away quickly.

"Yeah, go cause an accident somewhere else," Ro mutters before continuing to drive since the light turned green.

I scooch over to the middle of the backseat and grab the long cord, sticking it in my phone and going to my music. Immediately, I go to my 2000s playlist since the three of us love it.

Please Don't Go by Mike Poser comes on.

A grin creeps onto my face and I slowly turn my head to Ro and then to Blake. All of us lend each other a look of knowing.

We begin to sing along and belt the lyrics when it picks up.

I don't care whose in the car, if the song is good I will always sing along even if my singing sucks.

I roll down the window and let the wind and music mix to create a beautiful melody to my ears.

Today should be rather interesting.


A lot of people are here.

I aimlessly follow Ro and Blake to the ticket stand. Wait...we have to pay to get into this thing? That's a fucking joke. Right?

"Five dollars," The old lady says to us from inside the booth. She looks like she doesn't want to be here.

Ro sees the look on my face. "Don't worry girl I got you." He whips out ten bucks and smacks it in the stand. The old woman looks at him annoyed and then passes us the tickets.

"Thanks, I owe you one," I exhale.

He turns to me and smirks. "Do my math homework for a week."

I smirk back at him and we share a knowing look. Deal.

Ro throws his arms over Blake and I as we walk up the slight hill to get to the field, from there heading to the bleachers.

There are even middle schoolers here. I see some right now smoking next to the porta potties.

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