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Meenakshi's POV

The next day, I woke up a little late than the usual and then quickly did my morning routine and went out of the room and then I started cooking and simultaneously did the other chores and then went to our room to wake up my children and husband. As soon my husband woke up, he asked me about my health and after that he got out of the bed, my children too woke up and asked me about my health and all three of them hugged me.

After hugging me, my sons got out of the bed but the youngest son of mine who is only 6 years old asked me to carry him in my arms to which I happily agreed but then he refused to let me go. Then my husband who was annoyed by this behaviour ordered my son to get ready for the school.

My son who loved going to school refused to let me go and said that he would not go to school which shocked me as I knew how much he loved going to school and my husband who was worried after hearing our son came near us to take my son out of my arms but then our son got out of my arms and then hid under the bed to escape my husband which angered my husband.

Then I asked my husband not to get angry to which he gave me a look which made me shut my mouth and  then he politely asked our son to come out and said that there was no need to go to school that day and my son came out and then my husband took him in his arms and asked why he doesn't want to go to school to which our son said, "I want to take care of Amma as she is unwell today" which brought tears to my eyes as I realised how much I mean to our son even though I mean nothing to his father. My husband who was startled with our son's care agreed to his demand.

After the breakfast everyone left to their destinations and my son served me my breakfast with his little hands and ate with me and then gave me my medicines and then asked me to rest and didn't allow me to work. So I said that its important to clean and if I don't clean, everyone could become ill because uncleanliness causes illness. Then my son thought for a while said he understood and has a solution for that.

He then ran to the room where his grandmothers and aunt were watching telivision and I followed him as I was worried because of the speed he was running. He asked Sudha to do the chores which shocked me and he continued, "It's not good to leave the house unclean like that because uncleanliness causes illness. Amma is not well and she should rest so you should do the chores" which startled all of us.

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