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Meenakashi's POV

The day passed very painfully. My husband informed my in-laws that he reached Hyderabad safely. But he didn't call me, I wanted to make a call and talk to him but I didn't call as I didn't want him to consider me as a desperate person.

When it was bedtime, Adarsh came to me and said that he would sleep with me. As he was trying to sleep, I asked him if he wants to talk to his father but he said that he already talked to him from his uncle's mobile in the evening which made me feel disappointed.

Adarsh slept very early that day and even Vijay and Ajay came to our bedroom to sleep. I asked them if they wanted to talk to their father but even they said that they already talked to him which made me very angry knowing that my husband talked to everyone except me.

My children slept but I was not able to sleep because of my husband's absence and woke up and sat on my husband's study chair.

Vijay woke up from his sleep and asked me if I was missing his father and called him from my mobile and gave the mobile to me when it started ringing. My husband picked the call and before he could say anything, I said that Vijay wants to talk to him and gave the mobile to Vijay but my son said that I was missing him which made me feel embarrassed and I quickly snatched the mobile from my son and cut the call but my husband called back so, I asked my son to sleep and answered the call.

My husband asked if was missing him to which I didn't know what to answer and after a long silence I said yes and later we both talked for sometime.

After talking to him, my heart was filled with happiness and with a smile on my face I went near the bed to see my children asleep and thanked Vijay in my heart for his help and felt blessed to have such amazing children who could understand my feelings and kissed them on their foreheads carefully to not disturb their sleep and later slept peacefully.

The next day, Janaki aunt said that her daughter would be an ideal match to my brother and asked me to talk about the alliance with my uncle and aunt. I didn't know what to answer and simply nodded my head. On the same day, she left for home but even before leaving she reminded me to talk about the alliance and even Bhavana talked to me like we were very close and left for the home.

Days were passing and my routine remained the same and my back pain didn't lessen at all. I just wanted to take a break. If I sit, I was not able to stand and if I stand, I was not able to sit.

Every night, I talked to husband but only for 2 to 3 minutes as he was busy with the college and as it was his first time teaching degree students, he was busy in preparing to teach the students.

My workload didn't increase, infact it decreased after my husband left to Hyderabad and also every night, I didn't have anyone to disturb my sleep but I was not able to sleep because of my back pain and work properly due to my back pain.

The clothes were piling up but I didn't wash anything for days because of my back pain and my mother in-law who noticed that scolded me but I didn't even register what she was saying as I was irritated because of lack of sleep and my back pain was not helping me at all. Not getting any response from me, she shook me and asked me to wash the clothes which angered me and I said, "Why don't you wash the clothes if you are very much interested in the clothes?" which  shocked both of us but before I could even apologise, she left the room fuming which terrified me.

I didn't know why I was rude, maybe it was because of my sleeplessness and tiredness. I think I lashed out in anger but I know that the consequences would not at all be in my favour. My husband would definitely not tolerate if he gets to know about my behaviour. He literally worships his mother and the little bond which was formed over the phone calls would be completely destroyed.

After a while, I went to my mother in-law's room to see her sitting on the bed and asked her to forgive me but she glared me which made me even more scared. I sat on my knees and touched her feet asking her to forgive me but she didn't move an inch and asked me to get out which made me even more terrified. I once again asked her to forgive me but she pushed me and asked me to get lost but I was scared of my husband's reaction, I decided to make her forgive me before my husband comes home orelse he would definitely not spare me.

I left the room after understanding that she would not forgive me very easily. I scolded myself my being so rude and when I was busy in thinking, my children were back from school but I didn't make anything for them to eat but they didn't make a big deal out of it and simply ate rice and curry which I cooked in the morning which made me feel guilty and my mother in-law who saw this glared at me but didn't speak a word. Sudha also stopped talking to me after Shanthi aunt scolded her and their silence was terrifying me. I just didn't want them to complain to my husband.

On Saturday, my husband came home in the night. He had college till the evening and after that he travelled from Hyderabad to our village which was a long journey. He didn't talk much to anyone as it was already past the bedtime. Everyone returned to their own rooms and my children who waited for him slept before he came home and were in their room sleeping peacefully.

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