Part 65

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Hearing Bijan Dilawar stop in his place and Zaid and Asad looked at Bijan and Bijan nob her head in yes and both the boys went inside the house.

Asad went to his room and Zaid to his. Their bags were kept ready near their bed with a chit on it. "when you come out bring it with you." Bijan had kept her bag in Asad's room and Saad's bag in Zaid's room. Asad enter the bathroom and stood under the shower and let his tears flow out as no one was there to see him. The same was the condition of Zaid. Both the brothers cried their hearts out under the shower. But they also knew that they do not have much time with them to waste here.

So they took a quick shower and came out as the circumstance out were not in their favour and how Bijan must be managing there alone. Asad came out and open his cupboard and saw more than half of his cupboard was empty. He never understood what happen and was neither interested because what he lost today was far bigger than any materialistic thing and that was his abbu. His abbu's hand on his head, his love, his affection, and caringness. Though he knew that his abbu's blessing will always be there for them. Tears rolled out of his eyes and he wiped them and removed one of his casuals and wore and came out. Along with two bags which were kept.

 Zaid's cupboard was no different, even half of his cupboard was empty. Zaid looked at it and then let go of it, and within a few seconds even he came out of the room with two bags and saw Asad was passing by the hall to go out of the house, so Zaid speed up and walked behind Asad and came out together.

Dilawar walked towards Asad but Bijan press the knife on Asif's neck and Asif yell in pain and looked towards Dilawar.

Bijan too looked at Dilawar and nob her head in no and Dilawar stopped in his track. Once Asad and Zaid stood beside Bijan, Bijan just gave them a look and again turn in the front, facing Dilawar. Dilawar too looked at the trio and then said

Dilawar: listen you woman, as you said we allowed the boys to go in and now you and the boys be true to your words and leave this house.

Bijan looked at Asad and he nods his head in acceptance. Asad knew there is no point in fighting and it is better to accept that, how low his uncle has stood and he has to leave all the luxuries and everything which his abbu had made with his intelligence and hard work.

Bijan slowly moved the knife and let go of Asif. Asif took a few steps ahead and stood beside Dilawar and then took a deep breath as a sign of relief. Asif along with Dilawar saw the bags and Asif said

Asif: What are you taking in these bags? Show us?

Zaid and Asad both looked towards Bijan and Bijan just blink her eyes once as a gesture telling its ok. One of the guards of Dilawar came ahead and was about to touch the bag at that same time Bijan raise the knife and gave a cut on his arm. All of them were shocked to see this side of Bijan. Bijan looked at that man and then towards Asif and said.

Bijan: Asif don't even think of it. You wanted this house, this business, bank balance everything and that is already given to you by Ahmed bhai, so now don't go this low and check your nephew's bags. Have fear of Allah Asif.

 Few of Ahmed's employees came forward and stood next to Bijan and Asad. Bijan, Asad, and Zaid all three of them looked towards them and they nob their head in yes as if they are with them.

Seeing the office staff supporting them even Asif thought to back off. So Asif looked towards Dilawar and his man and nob his head in no. Asif was happy with all that, what he was getting because that value more than 70 cores. So thinking that how much they could have managed to take with them in these bags would not be more than of thousands also, so he said

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