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Elijah's P.O.V

I'm scared. Damn that, I am terrified. A series of thoughts ran across my mind as I drove, following the path on the screen. What if... she's not there? Or what if she's badly hurt? Or worse. I just hope everything will be fine. I really really do.

I wonder what Steph is doing right now. I wonder if she's still mad at me for the not-so-clear response I gave her in our last encounter. I hope she's eating well and not just salads. I wonder if she's thinking of me as I am of her right now. Fudge, this is messed up. The aim right now is to save Alex and come back home. I've wronged her too much and I can't help but feel guilty. I have a lot of things to apologize to her for.

"We're here" Nick said as I parked in front of an old warehouse. It's just like every other warehouse, all walls but with one tiny window.

Nick gave all of us a look. "Let's get this overwith" Zo gulped as she held her her axe tight.

"Okay, hold on. I think I've changed my mind. It's better if you all stay in the car. I've worried about one person enough" He said, his lips in a thin line.

"No. We're all going" Eddy said, getting out of the car pulling Zoey with him. Nick groaned, dragging his palm down his face in frustration.

"Don't worry, we'll all be fine" I assured him as I took my hammers and got down from the car, Nick following suite.

We walked towards the warehouse and there was no one outside staying as guard or anything. It was weird and really seemed off. Maybe it's just because it's dark.

Zoey and Eddy walked ahead of us as we walked behind them, all alert. "There is something off about this place" Nick muttered, furrowing his eyebrows.

"I just had that thought" I whispered to him. He suddenly stopped as we were just three steps away from the entrance of the warehouse.

"Zoey. Eddy. Stop" Nick said as I stopped as well. There were no cars or anything outside. The place seemed too quiet and we were not being attacked. Everything just seemed off.

Nick slowly brought out his gun and cocked it. He walked carefully towards the door and backed up against it, placing his index finger across his lips signalling us to stay silent. We nodded at him as he put his hand on the handle and pointed his gun into the building as soon as he opened the door. He brought out his phone and put on the flashlight, pointing it into the door. He looked at us and nodded at us.

We started to move, as he entered the house and we followed closely. The room was empty and filled with sand, dust and cobwebs. We continued to move and Alex turned a corner when he saw another door. He placed his hand on the handle and slowly turned it.

"Zoey" A familiar voice called and we all jumped, turning around to see Bex. She looked scared and excited to see us.

She was on the brim of tears as she ran to hug Zoey. However, the plain expression on Zoey's face explained it all. They weren't on good terms. "Well, look what we found here" Zoey said pushing Bex away from her.

"I missed you. I missed all of you." She said as she sniffed. "You shouldn't be here. You should all leave now please" She said in discomfort.

"Now you're pushing us away again? And here I was thinking you finally got your senses back. Alex was going through shit and you weren't there! You're her bestfriend Bex. Her fucking best friend." Zoey said as Bex stared at the ground in guilt.

"Something isn't right" Nick said with squinted eyes as her stared at Bex. Zoey looked at him.

"Ofcourse it isn't. She's lying she didn't miss any of us. Seemed like you didn't want to have anything to do with us ever since you found your so-called-love" Zoey spat in anger. I'm sure she's talking about Luke.

"No, not that. What is she doing here?" Nick said as he slowly walked forward. It's slowly got to me. That's true, what is she doing here? Alone.

"Are you tangled up in all this?" Zoey gasped as she slowly stepped back.

"No...I...I'm not. Just leave!" Bex said as her eyes searched the room.

"No! You need to tell us where Alex is" I said as I took a step forward.

Bex's eyes grew wild and she started to walk towards us "You need to leave before he finds out you're here--"

"Tsk, tsk, tsk. That's not how I taught you Bex darling. Sending our guests away? That's rude" Luke showed up behind Bex as he walked towards her.

"I..I...wasn't, I was just--"She started but he cut her off. What the hell is going on?

"Eli" Luke called as he smirked and walked towards me. Nick pointed the gun at him. He raised his hands up in surrender, his eyes glued to my face. "I thought we agreed that you should have a rest and talk about it tomorrow" he said.

I clenched my teeth together. I could hear Zoey's heavy breathing behind me. "Stay back" Nick said, still pointing the gun at him.

"I thought we were on the same side" he said, dropping the hand that were above his head to his side. "Switch on the lights, sweetheart" he said and Bex walked towards the wall and switched it on.

The room lit on from the bulbs hanging from the ceiling and there were three hefty men behind Bex and Luke. "I'm sorry" Bex said as Luke took her hand and they walked out of the room together.

"Have fun" he yelled from his back. The three hefty men were holding guns and were pointing them at us. Nick lowered his gun and raised his hands up in surrender.

"Fuck" he muttered. "They knew we were coming"

Alexandrea's P.O.V

You know that feeling when everyone is against you. That's how I was feeling right now. I sat against the wall with my mom as we both stared at the entrance I came out from.

"How did you know I was here?" She asked me.

"I didn't. I just came.....and I found you" I answered. I perked up "We can get out of here Mom. We just need to find exits" I said, holding her hand.

"And then what?" She said as tears rolled down her cheeks.

"And then we can-" I started but she cut me off

"Will our lives ever be normal? You don't get it do you? We'll get out then he'll find us again. I don't think there's any way" she said.

I kept quiet because she was right. We would never have a normal life. We'll just keep running. I sighed and arched my back as I placed my hand on my palms, crying my eyes out. My mom hugged me and rubbed my back.

"I'm sorry, Mom. I dragged you into all this. I'm so sorry" I cried.  She sniffed as she kissed my hair.

"None of this is your fault, baby. I'm sorry I couldn't be a better Mom to you." She cried too. We hugged eachother and cried for a while. I brought out the android phone and browsed it. There was a file there. I clicked on the file and on it was a map of the large warehouse I was in.

The tiny amount of hope left in me zoomed in on the map and I found a way out. I looked at my mom who was already dozing off.  "Mom" I shook her and her eyes peeled open, frowning

"What's wrong?" she asked, looking at me then at the device on my palms.

"I know our way out of here"

Hello sweethearts,

First of all, I want to apologize for being away from so long. I was occupied with school and literally had no time to update.

Don't forget to vote, comment, share and follow me for more updates :)♥


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