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Elijah's P.O.V

I kicked a rock as I waited outside the Cafe for Alex. We have been pushing this talk for long enough. I sighed as I checked my wrist watch for the time. Is she not coming?

I looked up just in time to see her step out of the cab and hand the driver some money. She rushed over to me and smiled apologetically.

"Sorry, I'm late. I wasn't really expecting this now, you know"

"It's alright. Let's head inside" I smiled backs and gestured a hand towards the entrance.

I walked in after her and we found a spot beside the window. We sat down, she faced the window while I sat opposite her. She looked tense as she kept looking at her fidgety fingers on her laps.

"So..." I started, trying to get her attention. She looked up.

"So..." She said too, after clearing her throat.

"This wasn't what I imagined you know"I laughed awkwardly. She placed her hands on the table and looked back at them.

"Me too"

"I'm sorry" I sighed. I should have started with that. She didn't deserve how I made her feel. And I truly am sorry.

She looked at me and smiled. "It's alright. I'm sorry too. For making you doubt and all"

"I should have trusted you"

"You were not wrong. You just started to see it before I did" she played with her fingers.

"I'm dating Stephanie" I blurted out and she raised an eyebrow.

"Oh. Stephanie as in the Stephanie in our school?" She asked and I nodded.

"Yes" Guilt stated to settle in. She didn't have to ask because I could already see it in her eyes so I answered. "We hooked up but not when we were together. I mean, we probably were but things were rocky between you and I already and I wasn't in my right senses. Then we started to hang out" I let out a breath of relief.

"Well I didn't expect that" She chuckled.

"I didn't too. It just happened, I guess" I smiled, Steph's face popping up in my head.

"I'm happy for you" she smiled genuinely.

"Thank you" I gave her a knowing look before asking "How's Nick?"

Her face flushed and she adjusted her sitting posture. "Urm.. he's fine" she answered nervously.

"I know, Alex. He likes you and you clearly like him too" I smiled.

"Well. Isn't it weird? I mean, I was with you and now I like your bestfriend"

"Well. We don't get to choose, life does." I assured her and she relaxed.

"Okay. Have you heard from him?" She asked with furrowed eyebrows.

"Yeah. I was over at his place yesterday, why?" I asked.

Her lips formed a thin line and she shook her head "Nothing. I was just asking"


I didn't know what was going on between them and she wasn't willing to tell me. I sighed and looked behind her to see a woman and a kid beside her. Their hands were locked as the child restlessly hopped excitedly while dragging the woman--who might be his mother-- out of the Cafe.

I smiled. This was a pleasing sight. It's nice that everything is finally settled between Alex and I. It's relieving.

My phone vibrated. It was a text from Stephanie.

All settled?

I smiled and replied. Yes, see you in fifteen.

She replied with a heart and I looked up and Alex who was busy on her phone as well.

"I have to go now. I'm glad the tension has been dissolved" I stood up and her eyes followed my move.

"Oh, alright. I'll be on my way now too."

"Later" she stood up and we hugged.

I found my way out of the Cafe and hailed a cab.

I arrived at Stephanie's place later than I had planned because of the traffic. She was already waiting outside when I got down in front of her's.

"Traffic, sorry" I smiled as I pecked her lips.

She grinned at me as I scanned her outfit. An army green fitted dress that stopped halfway between her knee and ankle and black heels. Her hair was swept to the side and I could miss the silver colored earring that swung back and forth everytime she moved her head. It matched the necklace, sitting on her collarbone. She looked perfect. And she was mine.

"How do I look?" She twirled.

"Beautiful as always" I answered. That was an understatement. "Shall we?"

"Yes, my Lord" she joked as we made the way to her car. We were going on a date.

We got into her car and I started it. "How did the meeting go, by the way?"

"Smoothly actually. I'm relieved" I answered as I reversed out of her driveway.

"That's nice. Are you meeting your parents next?" She asked and I paused.

"No. I have nothing to say to them"

"Eli.." she called as she placed her hand on mine-- which was resting on the hand gear.
"They only wanted the best for you, you know that right? They love you"

"I don't agree with you. You don't treat someone you love that way. I've had enough. I'm happy now" I said, focusing on the road I drove.

"Do you think they are happy?"

"I believe they are"

"How about your sister? Your mother? Do you know how they're feeling?"

I didn't say anything.

"Sooner or later, you have to meet them and confront them. It will be hard but I'll be by your side" she assured with a smile and a warm feeling spread in my chest.

"You're the best" I muttered and she slapped my arm.

"You should consider yourself lucky"

I laughed and glanced at her. I am lucky. I had been staying with her since the fight with my dad. I really didn't want to go back to them but I know I will have to soon. It was important. I have to tell them what I want and how I want it. I have to be confident enough to speak up and tell them it's my life. Atleast,for my sister before she ends up like me.


Apricity✓|Editing Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora