Chapter 4

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Dragon's Love
Season 1, Episode 4
Family Ties


I walked towards the sirens, taking a turn that brought me to the parking lot. There was blood on the ground, surrounding the body of Mr. Tanner. I sighed, this has Damon written all over it. He was making too big of a scene, now the police were going to be more invested in finding the 'mountain lion' that was ballsy enough to wander into town.

As long as there weren't anyone in town that were knowledgeable about vampires we would be fine; but that wasn't the case. When I was last in Mystic Falls I had heard whisperings of the council, who had meetings to take precautions against any vampires in town. They were doing a bad job seeing as there were currently two in town, but it was the knowledge that they have that worries me. How much did they know? What kind of weapons did they have that could kill Stefan and Damon?

"Oh my God," I faintly heard, and I looked towards the source of the sound. On the other side of the parking lot was Bonnie, looking at the scene before us in horror. While she was friends with Elena, that didn't mean I had to be cruel to her. She was still a young girl in high school, this would probably traumatize her. It would be unbecoming of me to just leave her in this state.

With that in mind, I walked across the parking lot to reach her, making sure there was concern on my face. The last thing she needed to see was me storming over with a resting bitch face. "Hey," I started, resting a hand on her shoulder, "Are you okay?" She jumped a little, slowly backing away from me. "No, I'm not okay. I just watched my history teacher die." She slapped her hand over her mouth, like she wasn't supposed to say it, before turning and running towards the rest of town.

I took after her, she had become a liability in just a few seconds. There was no way that I could just let her leave after knowing she had seen Damon kill Tanner. So I chased after her, and while I was pregnant I did have super speed, so I caught up to her in a few moments. She was a cheerleader, they have amazing stamina. I ran in front of her, grabbing her by the legs and hoisting her over my shoulder. Turning in the direction of the boarding house, I began making my way there, taking my phone out of my pocket.

I called Stefan, he was the more rational of my mates right now, and waited for him to pick up. I stopped running once I got to the porch, setting bonnie down so I could take my keys out. I didn't let her get anywhere though, I held her shoulder in one hand and pushed my knee in between her legs so that she couldn't escape. Stefan picked up, his tone tight. "Hey, where are you? I have been dodging Elena since you left with Jeremy."

"Yeah, well maybe if Damon didn't kill Tanner in front of Bonnie I would still be there," I retorted, pushing the door open. I stepped inside, dragging Bonnie in with me; throwing the door close, I made sure to lock it. "Sit, and don't move," I directed at the girl before walking into the kitchen. The thing I loved about the house the most was that the doors obeyed whoever lived in the house. The original Zachary Salvatore had found a witch that spelled them that way, so Bonnie wasn't leaving this house unless I wanted her too. Unfortunately, it only works when we're awake.

I grabbed some instant lemonade from inside one of the cupboards, freshly squeezed was better but this would have to do. "You need to find Damon and get home, now. We need to know what to do with her." I added sugar to the pitcher, stirring it thoroughly. "She's a witch who hasn't tapped into her power yet, there's a chance you could compel her to forget about it." Compelling a witch who hasn't actually done magic has a 50/50 chance of working.

"Alright, I can see Damon right now. We'll be there soon," he said right before he hung up. I put the lemonade on the tray along with 4 glasses, taking it back to Bonnie. "You wanna drink?" I offered, setting the tray down on the table. Maybe I should've been a little more gentle about bringing her here, cause she looked downright terrified about me even being in her general vicinity. "I didn't poison it," I quipped, pouring myself a glass. I took a sip as I sat down on the couch right next to her.

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