Chapter 5

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Season 1, Episode 5
You're Undead to Me


Caroline watched as the trees blurred around her while Damon ran, her body cradled to his in a bridal style position. She had never traveled this fast before, especially not in the arms of her vampire boyfriend. She was worried though, what would Damon do to her now that he could compel her into forgetting him? Would he kill her, even though he had promised not to; or would he keep her in his home until he could make her forget?

She didn't have to wait for too long to get an answer, as he suddenly came to a stop in front of his house. He didn't bother to put her down at the doorstep so he could get his keys, instead opting to kick the door open. If anything, a little spark of arousal pinged up through the anxiety in her stomach. He was just so strong, way stronger than her, and that kinda scared her more than she found it sexy.

After taking off his shoes and going through the parlor and up the stairs, Damon finally made it to his destination. Gently pushing the door open, he took the blonde girl inside and rested her on top of his silk sheets. He bent down to unhook the straps of Caroline's heels, the frightened girl watching as he did so.

"What are you going to do to me?" She asked as Damon slipped the heel off of her feet. He hesitated in slipping the other heel off, he knew exactly what he wanted to do, but he couldn't keep her holed up in his house for 2+ days. She had to go to school, and her mother would certainly notice if she went missing. He couldn't afford to have a full on search party going on while he waited for Caroline's system to run out of vervain. There were too many variables to consider, like if Caroline got tired of being inside and decided to go on a stroll, he couldn't even force her to stay inside.

"For now, you're going to pretend that you've never heard of vampires in your life, I'm sure you understand why," he told the girl, bringing her heels to the little mat he had in the corner. "And when the time comes, and the vervain is out of your system, I'm going to compel you all those nice memories I was talking about." Caroline frowned, didn't he understand that she didn't want all of these memories to go away. She loved the time she spent with him, and she thought he enjoyed it too; why was he so determined to get rid of it all?

"You're going to go straight back to the nice little life you had before all of this happened; with an additive of a small amount of vervain in your morning coffee; and you're going to love any second of it." Surely this is what she wanted. He cared for Caroline much more than he thought he would, the safest thing he could do for her right now was let her go before she got too tangled up in vampire business.

"My life sucked before I met you, damon!" Caroline exclaimed, looking him right in his eyes. "My mom doesn't even love me enough to spend time with me because she's always at her stupid job; and my dad was too busy chasing his youth years sucking his 24 year old boyfriends dick to even call me once a month. Sure I had Bonnie and Elena, but they don't like me as much as they do each other. Every boy I've ever dated only wanted me for sex and brownie points amongst their trashy friends."

Caroline sighed, it was one thing to know that everyone around you hated you, but admitting it to someone she actually liked was a whole different experience. "And then I met you," her tone was filled with adoration, "You came into my life and did everything I had ever wished for. Damon, I'd rather fall off the face of the earth than have to go back to my life without you."

Damon was surprised at her confession, they had only been together for a week. There was no way that she could've gotten so attached to him. There was no way he couldn't compel her now, she was practically obsessed with him. He couldn't let her go on like this, it wasn't healthy; he had promised Feiyan that Caroline would be okay. "Okay," he started, "How about this. If you can convince me by the end of your little car wash, I'll let you keep your memories."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 07, 2022 ⏰

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