Authors Note

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          Cancer we all know about it, whether we all had it ourselves or know someone that has gone through this horrible disease. In August 2016 my life changed forever when I was diagnosed with Gray B Cell Lymphoma. For those of you that don't know what this is, it is a cross between Hodgins and Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma. Over the years I have gone through countless chemo treatments, rounds of radiation, and a stem cell transplant. I had part of my sternum removed because the tumor wanted to get out and formed a hole that got infected. I had the muscles and tissues from my stomach and chest stretched and flipped around to fill the space. I had a t8 back fracture which led to a major back surgery. I have gone through hours and hours of physical therapy and to be honest lost my faith for a while. Through all of this the one thing that did not change was that I stayed strong and fought. In this book I will share some tips that I have learned and that have helped me throughout my journey. I hope that they will be able to help you and your loved ones because I truly believe I am here today to help you. Remember you are loved and together let's kick cancer's ass! 

Once again I would like to state that I do not want your pity, I have been going back and forth with myself on if I should ever let anyone read this and decided to just go for it and if I am able to help even one person I will be glad. 

All Cancer Sucks, But These Tips Don'tWhere stories live. Discover now