Tip 19: Scans

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Pet scans, MRI scans, and CT scans will become a regular process in your life. Try not to panic, they are not as scary as they seem. Talk to your doctor about them, watch videos about them to know what will happen. Let the techs that do your scan know if you are claustrophobic. They will help make you as comfortable as possible. What machine and what is being scanned will determine how long the scan is. Just lay back and try to relax. Remember to stay as still as possible so the images turn out clear and you don't have to reschedule and do the scan all over again. You may be asked to drink a cup or 2 of something before your scan, do it. It might not taste great but you are asked to drink it for a reason. If something does not feel right during any of your scans, speak up. The techs will be able to hear you and can stop the scan. It is important that you follow the instructions given to you and you will most likely get a reminder call the day before. When I get my scans done I just close my eyes, clear my head, and just focus on my breathing and before I know it I'm all done. A couple of times I even fell asleep. When I had MRI's the techs played music for me. The only problem I ever had was one time with a CT scan the dye leaked and blew my arm up. The strange thing was it did not hurt or sting and I had no idea until the scan was over. I had to sit with my arm raised above my heart and ice it until the swelling went down. Do not be afraid of the scans and do whatever works for you just remember to try and relax. 

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