Chapter 56

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56. When I was drunk

The light hit my face.

“… ugh, so dazzling.”

I woke up because of it.

Yeah, apparently, the morning has come.

I can hear the chirping of a sparrow in my head.

It seems that the curtains were not closed, and the morning sunshine illuminates the room brightly.

With my brain that’s not working properly yet, I wondered if this is what they called ‘Asa-chun’?…. But, there is no naked woman beside me in bed…
[TN: ‘Asa-chun’, Or if I translate it literally to English it will be ‘Morning -Chirp’. It’s a word mainly seen in anime, manga, light novels, when the writer wants to omit the ‘R-18’ scene, because the writer doesn’t want to write or doesn’t know how to write it in words. Whether it’s really R-18 or not, they want to leave it to the reader’s imagination]

When I looked at my watch while rubbing my drowsy eyes, it was much later than the time I was always awake for my jogging. Rather, I’m going to be late for school …

When I realised that, my sleepy eyes became clear.

“F**k …!”

I jumped out of bed and hurried to get ready.…… But, when I tried to think about this situation, I stopped moving.

…Either way, I’m late… Well, I’ll prepare slowly then.

Yeah, I realised that it’s already confirmed I’m going to be late.

“Hmm, I slept well yesterdayー.”

I muttered while stretching.

…But it’s strange, Maria should wake me up if I overslept… Well she’s a human too.

Then, when I looked at my smartphone, I found out why…. It was a holiday today.

‘Oh, that’s why’, When I stood up and opened the window thinking so, I stretched out again, and finally I noticed it.

“Why am I in uniform …?”

Somehow, I was sleeping in my uniform.

In addition to that, I should always close the curtain when I go to bed, but for some reason I slept while leaving it open.

‘Hmm …’, I tried to remember what happened yesterday.

―――― and I went down on my knees.

Oh my…!! At least keep it as a kiss! Licking someone's face is too maniacal!

I felt crushed when I remembered what I did to Minori-san yesterday.

…..It’s good to gently stroke her injured face!! but..

Well, I don’t intend to sell my lips at a cheap price, but! I could have kissed Minori-san, who worked hard at that time, as a reward for her victory….. Still! Despite that! Why did I lick her face?

….. Is it because I drank another cup of rice juice when Minori’s victory was decided? But, it was only about three cups though…

Hmmm, when I got drunk in my previous life, I’d never done something like this… No, wait, it’s a juice so I can’t be drunk, right?

Well, it can’t be helped that I’ve done it. As far as I can remember, Minori’s reaction wasn’t that bad, so it’s okay……. It should be okay, right?

However, although I drank quite a lot, I did not puke. It seems that this body has good liver function. If so, I am very pleased.

Then, I changed my clothes and went down to the living room.

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