Chapter 2. Things That Go Splat in the Night

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As we raced down the alley, I checked behind me to see that a few of the deranged people managed to shove their way out through the door.

"Shit." I swore out loud. "Come on Lily, we need to run faster! Some of them got through and they're chasing after us."

"What is WRONG with them?!" She shrieked as she ran beside me. "Why are all these people acting so crazy tonight?! Wait, Sasha! STOP! LOOK OUT!"

I was too busy glancing over my shoulder again, counting how many there were until I suddenly ran into two more in front of us that were blocking the parking lot. I tripped backwards over one of them and shivered in disgust when I realized I was touching their cold clammy flesh.

I found myself sprawled on top of the hairy sweaty chest of some grotesque fan who had painted his entire stomach and face in our striped dark band colors as if he was at a football game . He was grinning wildly up at me and I instantly scrambled to get up off him. His pudgy fingers suddenly latched around my wrist and he yanked it towards his bloodstained mouth. A foul odor masked all my senses when he opened his mouth, practically stunning me, and I could see inside that his teeth were horribly jagged and was stained crimson from his previous victim.

"No! Let go of me you sick freak!" I lashed out at him while desperately trying to pull my hand out of his ridiculously strong grip.

I stomped my foot down against the man's face roughly and pulled backwards to try and free myself from him, but he wasn't budging. I could still feel the stench of his rotten hot breath against my fingers and I balled up my fists to keep them away from his mouth. I retracted my foot back and stomped on his face harder this time. I felt the bone in his nose crack when it connected and the huge man growled and released me to shield his face. The minute his grip weakened, I stood up quickly and stepped back away from him.

Lily let out a scream and I turned to find her backing up into a brick wall with a skinny rocker chick standing in her path. "Sasha! Hurry! She keeps trying to bite my face off and her breath smells GOD AWFUL! OW! WHAT THE-HELP! NOW SHE'S TRYING TO EAT MY HAIR!

"I know Lily! Just- give me a minute ok?!" I panicked and ran my fingers through my hair nervously.

I couldn't believe it.

The guy on the ground was already unphased by the blow and blood was gushing down his face as he started getting back up to his feet again. I had to keep backing up just to avoid him and ended up next to Lily who was still screaming.

Okay, how can I stop him?


I could try knocking him out? He'll at least stop crawling after me.

Without giving it any more thought, I punched him hard in the gut hoping it would stun him. He froze for a moment before doubling over and vomiting some weird black gunk. This stuff had to be what was making his mouth smell bad, because that horrid smell from earlier was suddenly in the air around us.

"Oh I think I'm going to be sick..." Lily groaned. My stomach turned unexpectedly, letting me know it had enough. I doubled over on my knees away from the man's face and threw up everything I had eaten today. I tried to climb back up to my feet, but I suddenly felt woozy and my vision was fading in and out. Lily was grunting and screaming my name while trying to fight off the other girl but she sounded so far away. I wiped my mouth and looked over to see that the guy finally stopped moving. His face was flat on the ground, the black ink stuff he spit up still oozing out of him.

"Damn it Sasha! Get this bitch off me!"

I wobbled back up to my feet and stumbled behind the punk rocker harassing Lily. I wrapped my fingers around her colorful dyed ponytail and yanked her back roughly. This one was feisty though and refused to let go no matter how hard I pulled her hair. I glanced over to see it's hands were still latched on Lily's arm and hair. Wait a minute. Her hair? "Lily! Are you kidding me?!!"

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