Ch.13 Church of Death

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The church stood tall off of the freeway like the old woman said. However when we arrived, there were dozens of people filing inside, all wearing matching white robes with the same bull symbol on their backs.

Next door to it, there was a rickety old barn surrounded by a white picket fence and with a few neglected cows mooing in the distance, sitting around, oblivious to the corruption next door. I wonder where their owners were? Were they sacrificed by these psychos or did one of those mutated people get to them first?

I shuddered at the thought as we parked near the barn out of view. As we waited for it to quiet down, I gazed back over at the church. Yellow dim lights shined out of the glass stained windows and a light murmuring could be heard coming from the parking lot.

After about twenty minutes, everyone was inside and we drove back towards it. When I opened up my door, a brush of cold wind whipped at us and a chill ran up my spine. I couldn't tell if I was shivering in terror from what we're about to walk into or the thought of us getting caught that was giving me goosebumps. Or worse. We need to find Ray fast. I just hope he was okay.

Camila appeared behind me, looking just as uncomfortable as I did.

"Okay so what's the plan?" She asked nervously.

Before we had time to talk it out, another black van rolled down the freeway ramp towards us and we all scrambled away quickly. Camila and the old woman went to hide behind the van we came in and I hopped into the bed of my truck.

I held my breath and laid flat on my back. My heart pounded painfully against my chest when I heard the tires on the gravel parked right in between us.

"Damn it, we're late Terry! I told yer ass we shouldn't of took that detour." An angry high pitched voice came.

"Dude, I told you someone was followin us. Did you want them to follow us back here and give away our cover?"

"Wait a minute, shut up for a sec Terry."

"Who's truck do you think this is?"

My eyes shot open. No, No...please don't find me. Please don't find me.

"Don't think it's one of ours." The other responded.

Oh God, please don't come over here. Please don't come over here!

They tapped their knuckles against the side of the truck a few times and their footsteps pressed into the grovel as they scouted around my vehicle. A white light swept over the other side of the window and then down at the end of the bed. My heart drops as it starts to trail up towards me.

"Hey Keisha, I think someone left their dog in here or-"

"Step away from the truck!"

The light swooped up over my head so quickly that I was sure they didn't spot me. Something else was distracting them.

"What are you two doing out here?" The one named Terry yelled.

"Put your hands up where I can see them, come on rapido, rapido!" I heard Camila commanded.

Judging from the loud clacking hitting the ground, it seemed that the duo were intimidated by her.

They were facing away from me, their hands up in the air. I slowly sat up. Maybe if I caught them off guard...

I targeted the skinnier of the two and slightly crawled over. While they were preoccupied with Camila, I appeared behind the man and wrapped my arm around his neck, strangling his back into me with a sleeper hold.

"What the hell?!" The other cried out.

"Whoa." Camila gasped in amazement as she held them at gunpoint.

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