Chapter 1

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Nothing else upsets me more than knowing that I didn't give my hundred percent into what I am doing or what I have done.

The other word could be regret. That term doesn't sit well with me. I dislike having the thought or having to feel that emotions but there is no point in me regretting at this point, as I sat in an expensive restaurant with the view of the city.

Forty eight hours prior to having that emotion. I was actually having a pretty good day. I was on vacation from work. Sounds exciting? Of course, who doesn't like to be on vacation?

There will be some people who may dislike vacation for the fact that it's a waste of time and money. To me, vacation is a luxury rewards that sadly is not received by many.

There are people who needs to meet ends and having to take vacation without paid has to be a tough decision.

Anyway, I was hoping during my vacation I could relax at home. The reason why I like staying at home during my vacation is due to the fact that I travel a lot due to work purposes.

At the beginning it was exciting to travel to new places to meet incredible people but as that continues you gradually gets tired and you will feel an emotion call homesickness, and eventually you wish you could just be at home.

My vacation turned into a nightmare. That's an exaggeration. It was going smoothly until my friends decided to give me a surprise visit.

It's not uncommon of them to come over to hang out but it was the hint of excitement in their eyes and the huge smile on their faces that scared me the most. The last time they had that look on their faces I was sick to my stomach as they decided to cook dinner for me. I would have really appreciated if they were cooks or at least learnt how to cook.

They decided to throw random ingredients together and decided to call it a meal.

"No." I said as soon as they walked into my apartment.

"What?" Isabelle asked as her small tan face was glowing. Her blueish-greenish eyes was shining with mischief. Her short silver blond hair was perfectly curled up.

"I want you to go back outside and whatever you guys are thinking right now or planning to do please just dump them outside then you enter my place."

"You're being so dramatic." My other friend, Lia said while rolling her dark eyes at me. Few of her dark strands covered her beautiful face while the rest was in a high pony tail.

"Last time I was home for three days because of your cooking." I reminded them.

"Sorry to disappoint you but we're not here to  cook any meals for you." Belle said with a hint of sarcasm in her tone.

"I'm sure you're not here to spend time with me." I said as I sat down on my dark couch and cross my arms.

"We're here to play video games! Loser have to do whatever the winners tell them." Lia said as out of nowhere she took out controllers from a white paper bag. She started unplugging and plugging things on my T.V.

"I'm not in a mood to play any games." I said.

"Why? Are you afraid to lose?" Belle asked.

People assume that when they taunts me with questions like these I will give into what they say. Isabelle and Lia have known me for a very long time that these questions doesn't work on me.

I simply tilted and rested my head on the couch and closed my eyes.

"I'm on vacation that means I get to sleep whenever I want and none of you can do anything about it."

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