Chapter 17

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Viktor merely blinked at her, his mouth slowly falling open. He felt like a fish out of the water as he struggled to find the words to voice his bafflement.

"What?!" he tried to say, but could only mouth the word. His voice came out like a squeaky toy, wordless and shocked. No, no, no, no. This could not be happening. They weren't supposed to get adopted or bought or whatever! They were supposed to live in this large room with each other until they got rescued. That was the plan, not this!

Viktor had a sneaking suspicion, one that started to bloom into horror, that Aiko was right. The way the alien had immediately gone to the humans' room, been charmed by Viktor's insolence, it all slotted together. "You're kidding, Aiko, you're kidding." 

Aiko's lips thinned, looking like she wanted to be anywhere but here, eyes full of pity. She shook her head, and Viktor's stomach lurched in fear. "He comes in, out of business hours, walks immediately over to this area, and seems smitten with you. I don't think Pink can deny him either." 

He looked in her face, trying to find any trace of a lie. He couldn't find any. 

"Hide me," he managed, standing up too quickly and nearly losing his footing. "I need to hide. I am not going with- with an alien! I can't, I can't go-" He was having trouble breathing, and he clawed desperately at his throat to unlatch the shock collar that laid heavy around it. His nails met skin, biting into it harshly. The scent of the other animals in the warehouse was too much. He didn't want to fight in the arena anymore. He didn't want to continue living like this.

He felt hands grab his wrists and he tugged hard, baring his teeth and lashing out with his legs. "No, no, no, please." he sobbed, feeling as though he was one good tug away from dislocating his shoulder. He didn't want to get beaten in front of everyone again. He didn't wanna writhe on the ground as shocks danced along his spine painfully. Someone wrapped their arms around him, effectively securing his arms to his side. Viktor struggled wildly, feeling as trapped as a feral animal in a cage.

He felt hands gripping his. Unable to move his arms, all he could do was dig his nails into them. They didn't move away. Instead, he felt something running across the back of his hand. That never happened in the arena. Breathing harshly through his mouth, Viktor's world slowly stitched itself back together. Pedro was in front of him, holding his hands tightly with his. Ezekiel's arms were wrapped around Viktor, nearly lifting him off his feet. Aiko wiped off the tears on his face. 

"M'okay," he mumbled after a few moments of calming his breathing down. They didn't have time to waste. He squirmed out of Ezekiel's grasp, wiping his face with his hands roughly. "I gotta hide."

"Kid, I don't think you can," Pedro said hopelessly, looking around for just a moment before looking at Viktor intensely. He hadn't let go of his hands. "There's nowhere to hide, here." 

Viktor gripped the older man's hands hard, trying to hide the trembling. "I don't want to go with an alien. Please, Pedro, I'm- I'm really scared. What if he's just as nasty as the ringmaster?" 

"Then you'll be just as nasty back," Pedro said firmly, shaking their hands slightly. "Tear up his house, destroy whatever passes as furniture in this place, anything. Pink obviously doesn't want any of us to go just yet, but since he's some higher-up, she probably has no choice. Rescues usually have vetting processes. I have no doubt that Pink was going to try and 'break us in' to get us used to aliens. Maybe he's not even buying you." His voice was tremulous. 

Viktor's gaze flickered around Pedro's face. The older man had been his rock in the arena. Always by his side, even if separated by bars. He never made him talk when he didn't want to, only reminding him to eat something. He comforted him when he woke up from nightmares. He splashed water on his face when he needed it. 

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