Chapter 25

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Vok'Rul was good with kids. Of course, Viktor couldn't understand any of the things the alien said to them, but the shrieking laughter and loud clapping from them were pretty good indicators that they were loving him. He did wonder what the alien was talking about to warrant a school visit. Probably some motivational speech. Viktor yawned widely, slouching against the legs of the chair Vok'Rul was sitting on. He reached up to rub his eyes, squinting as the movement attracted the attention of the children. 

He had to admit that they were kinda cute. Miniature versions of the grown aliens, these kids were all baby fat and squishy cheeks. Those that had tails sported short and tiny ones, especially compared to Vok'Rul's incredibly long one that was wrapped around Viktor, an inch from touching him. One of them pointed at him, curiously asking a question to Vok'Rul. The tall alien hesitated, glancing at some of the teachers in the back. They smiled and shrugged. Vok'Rul responded to the question.

The alien was talking about him, throwing his name in every other word. One of the kids asked a question, and this time Vok'Rul responded without any hesitation. He sounded sympathetic but firm. The children must not have liked the answer as they let out a synchronized sad sound. Vok'Rul smiled and chuckled. He clapped lightly, glancing at Viktor to see if the sound startled him. Viktor ignored him, focusing on the excited faces peering at him. 

Vok'Rul stood up, tail slithering away from its place around Viktor. He felt a bit exposed without it. "Kohgrash!" he said lightly, facing the human. He looked at the small crowd of children, speaking again. He turned back to Viktor, who had gotten to his feet, curious as to what was going to happen. 

"Kor, Kohgrash," Vok'Rul said, holding out his hand, palms facing Viktor. Viktor curled his lip slightly in distaste. Vok'Rul walked to the other side of the room. "Pora!" 

What the hell, Viktor thought, walking over to the tall alien, keeping his distance from the eager crowd of children. Vok'Rul obviously wanted to show off his 'tricks,' but he didn't know too many. It wouldn't be too hard to figure them out, he supposed. He sighed heavily as he reached the alien, who looked at him with blinding joy written on his face. Viktor suffered through a couple of head pats for his effort. The kids let out a noise that was similar to 'oooh' but much more guttural. 

"Lark," Vok'Rul said, bending down quickly to get on Viktor's level. The human stepped back, hunching his shoulders and angling his body away to hide his broken arm subconsciously. Vok'Rul's expression faltered for a moment, and Viktor felt a bit guilty, even if he hadn't meant to flinch away. The human straightened up, squaring his shoulders resolutely. There would be absolutely no way that Vok'Rul would hurt him now, especially in front of witnesses. The thought did little to assuage his guilt. 

The alien held out his hand, repeating the word. He spoke to the crowd of children, who responded enthusiastically. Vok'Rul shook his hand out, speaking quietly to Viktor. The human bit back a groan, muttering to himself about tricks and not being some dog on display. He put his hand in the alien's after some deliberation, wondering if he should refrain to make the other look like an idiot in front of a crowd. Vok'Rul shook it and showered him with praise. The kids cheered. 

Viktor's incredibly difficult and hard work was rewarded with a treat from Vok'Rul's many pockets. He hummed in delight, grabbing the small pellet from his outstretched hand quickly and shoving it in his mouth. It was the pear-flavored one again, but no less delicious. He glanced at the children as they whined and held out their hands eagerly, yelling norish. The teachers at the back of the room shushed them, bowing at Vok'Rul in apology. Vok'Rul straightened up, holding up his hands as he quieted the kids. Viktor saw him glance down at him, concerned. 

Whatever the internal debate the alien had, he seemed to get over it quickly. The alien said something to the kids, who all jumped to their feet in excitement at whatever he told them. Viktor's shoulders jumped at the sudden movement, but he shook it off. They were only kids. 

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