Chapter fourteen

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Your POV
I woke up in my bed.
Wait what the hell. I thought I fell asleep on the couch last night. How did I get to my bed? Where's Seth?
I look over to grab my phone, and see a piece of paper next to my phone.
I grab the paper and read it.
Awwww Seth.
Seth brought me to bed last night and left me a note to tell me he went home.That is quite literally the cutest thing anyone has ever done for me.
Maybe he does like me.
I get out of bed laughing slightly at my own thoughts. I grab my phone and head to the kitchen to get food.
Ooo my Mac and cheese from Chick-fil-A.That will have to work since I have no breakfast food.
I put the Mac and cheese in the microwave for a minute with extra shredded cheese on top to let it reheat and melt the new cheese.
I should text Seth and thank him for last night.
Y-hey Seth, thanks for last night. Also your handwriting is weird lmao.
I had to add the handwriting part to make fun of his goofy ass handwriting. I mean like this mans wrote me a whole note before he left my apartment, and it looked like he wasn't writing fast. Homie took his time with that shit.
I laugh at the thought of Seth sitting at my table writing the note so slowly and carefully.
Suddenly there's a knock on the apartment door.
"Y/n? You home?" I hear from outside the door.
I open it to see Colby.
"Colby? What are you doing here? Oh god did we have plans that I forgot about." I ramble confused as to why my brother is at my door.
"No dork. We didn't have plans. Now can I come in?" He laughs before another person joins him at my door.
"Hey y/n. Hi Colby." Seth says from behind him.
What the hell is happening.
I let them both in and close the door behind them.
"Sooo... why are you guys here?" I ask as I take out the Mac and cheese from my microwave and start to eat it.
"I'm here because I got bored." Seth says laughing, causing Colby and I to laugh with him.
"I just wanted to check on you. Ya know, making sure my little sister isn't getting into to much trouble." Colby pauses before sighing and continuing with "i lied. I was actually just bored and Sam is out of town, nobody was free to hang out."
We all burst into laughter at the fact that Colby tried to cover that he was bored.
"Gee colbs. I didn't know being bored was so bad you had to have a cover story." I say wheezing from laughter.

Y/n Brock x Seth Borden Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat