05 | The Proposal

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We reach the outdoor spot on our terrace and I lead - omg I don't even know his name- the boy to the coffee table.

"We are standing down at the end of the staircase. We'll come to fetch you in about 30 minutes." Hania said who left with who I presume to be his younger sister.

"Asalamalaikum" I heard and snap my head to look at his face.

He was not bad looking. He had coffee brown eyes , a straight nose and small lips. He was smiling at me and for some reason I felt uncomfortable, maybe it was because I don't interact with men because they were non mehram obviously.

"Walaikumasalam" I said giving a tight lipped smile

"I am Mehdi , Mehdi Ismail. I am 25 year old. I have done my Bachelors in Commerce and I am working in Ace Enterprises. In my family I have my parents and a younger sister, Shahista. What about you ?" He said to strike a conversation

I nod with an impressive expression but then I realized that I have to give my introduction too which is obviously the hard part for me because I am just not too good with self introduction until I script it down. I decided to just say whatever he said

"I am Hala Yusuf. I am preparing for my ACCA examinations which are going to be held in the upcoming months. In my family I have my parents and younger sister, Hania" I said robotically then I remembered I had to ask him for tea

"Umm, would you like to have tea?" I asked in a sweet tone in an attempt to not sound rude

"Yea sure. Glad you asked" He said like he was waiting for the tea for so long

"What do you mean ? How many spoons sugar?" I asked chuckling

I pour the tea in the cup and put two spoons sugar. I give it to him waiting for him to say something because I am the most awkward person to strike a conversation

"I came here directly from office and I was really hungry so since I got tea now , it could work with my headache caused due to hunger. Anyway do you have any questions for me ?" He asked giving me a dazzling smile which I was startling to like now

" I just have a few questions and a few terms too." I said biting my lip

He raised an eyebrow and gave me a 'go ahead' nod. I let out a breathe I was holding for so long

"I'll begin with questions. Do you pray all five times a day? Are you dedicated to your religion? What do you expect from your wife ?" I asked in one go

"Okay to begin with , I am not a perfect muslim. I try to pray all five times but sometimes I miss my prayers because of unplanned circumstances but otherwise I am committed to my prayers. I am dedicated to my religion for sure. I follow all the norms and rules of Islam in any given condition but yes of course sometimes I make mistakes. And as for the last question, I have no special expectations from her. All I expect from her is to keep the honor of my family, be loyal to me and make me a better muslim." He said with a calm tone but by the end of the answer he was staring into my eyes. There was something in his eyes but I couldn't fig- what am I doing , I cant look directly in his eyes.

"Thats very honest for you." I said instantly looking down at the coffee table

"What are your conditions?" He asked curiously

"Before I put forward my conditions I just want to let you know that these are not silly or materialistic conditions, they mean the world to me. So if you feel at any point that you cannot fulfill these conditions then please reject this alliance. My first condition would be to let me continue studying since its my dream and pride. Second condition would be to let me work after I finish my studies because I want to be live a life of an independent woman. Thirdly and the most important one, I would be allowed to support my family after marriage because my parents don't have a son to support them through their old age and I don't want them to have a regret that" I said nervously

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