07 | Back to India

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Who is calling me this early in the morning ?

Its just .... 11am for God's sake

"Hello, this caller is on a leave from all important classes and calls. Please call tomorrow after 4pm" I groggily pick up the phone not bothered to see the caller ID

"Walaikumasalam Waleed . I believe I am exempted from all restrictions" The caller said

"May I know who I am speaking to " I was so not interested in whoever was on call

"I never knew life would bring me to a point where my son won't recognize my voice"The caller said tsk-tsking

If his son isn't picking up his call then he needs sl-
Wait son . Son. Me . Oh shit

I sprang out of the bed struggling to open my eyes and check the caller ID only to come across my bad timing. It was Dad

"I am so sorry dad. I didn't know it was you. I didn't check the caller ID" I said scratching the back of my neck

"How many old men do you have calling on your phone that you couldn't recogonize my voice, young man? " Dad asked chuckling

" I have been receiving a lot of credit card calls lately so I just thought it was one of them again." I half-lied. I was getting calls from the bank regarding my credit card limit being up or something like that

"Okay I'll get to the point now Wali. I want you to come back to India by in a few days" Dad said seriously

"Wait why dad? Is everything okay? Is everyone okay ? Mom ?" I was getting worried now because dad never calls me back to India unless important

"Everyone is fine. It is time for me to handover some responsibilities to you"

"Dad I am not ready for any of this right now." I actually knew what he meant by responsibilities but I wasn't up for them right now. I rather spend dad's money than work 10 hours in the office. I am his son c'mon , I have go the right to spend his money

"And when are you going to be ready ?" 

"I don't know but not now at least. Besides I have to finish my semester. I have 4 more weeks for that" I argued trying to push this vivid idea out of his head

"Well, there is something called as 'online classes' and you are going to make use of that and when graduation comes around the corner, we will fly to London for a day or two" Dad seemed adamant this time

"From where did you get this awesome idea of seeing me in distress?" I knew who gave him this idea but just wanted to hear it from dad to confirm

"Now hold on there boy, you think your dad isn't eligible of making decision of his own? Before you say Hala fed my brain, whatever you are thinking is completely wrong because Hala didn't but you did. You have been wasting my handwork in the clubs in the past two weeks" He is going to kill me now for sure

Dad was right. I went overboard with partying this time and wasted so much money in the clubs. The last party I went was about 4 days back where I met the black haired girl, Lia or whatever her name is but that doesn't mean he calls me back to torture

"Dad I am sorry. I promise to be more careful. I will spend less in the parties" I tried convince him because no way I was going back

"Wali, it is not about you not being careful or spending so much. It is about you partying. Me and your mom have worked really hard on your upbringing and you are wasting it in parties with money." He was disappointed in me

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