13: White Puppies and Wolf Pups

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"Help me get to the door." Snow held onto Chow Chow's back as she half hopped and half hobbled to the door.

I can always shapeshift back to help you open the door, you know, he said cheekily.

"Don't even think about it!" she hissed before saying in a normal voice, "Qara! Come on in!"

"Hello! I brought you dumplings." Qara brandished a plate of pan-fried mutton dumplings in front of her.

Ooh, yummy! Chow Chow poked his head out from under Snow's arm.

"Hey, hey! Those are not for you!" She blocked his snout from nearing the plate. 

"Aww, it's okay, I'm sure it can have one, right?" Qara helped Snow to the table with one hand while holding the plate with the other. "How's your foot?"

"It's much better, thanks. At least it's not painful unless I step with it." Or bang it against the floor. "How about you?"

"I'm good for now. Smells don't get to me so much these days. Here you go - oh, aren't you a gentle giant!" Qara said when Chow Chow gingerly took the offered dumpling from her hand with his teeth and wolfed it down. "I saw Erhi parading it around outside like she had caught and tamed it," she said with a roll of her jade green eyes. "I didn't expect that it could be so friendly."

"Huh! That's cute," Snow said, imagining Erhi sauntering between the yurts with Chow Chow trotting obediently behind her, and showing him off to an adoring crowd of children her age.

Chow Chow poked his nose at Qara's belly. Baby? Snow heard him ask, as he looked up at Qara with wide, inquisitive eyes.

"You can tell too, huh?" Qara said, stroking his head. "What a beauty! You're gorgeous!" Qara gushed as she held his face in her hands and ruffled his fur. He gave Snow a smug sideways glance, and she could almost imagine the smirk on his face.

I like her! she heard him say in her head.

Yeah, yeah, she shot back.

"Look at you, just look at you!" Qara said, running her hands all over his back, feeling the depth of his chest and inspecting his haunches. He stood up straight to let her admire him better.

"Are you a boy or a girl?" she asked, lifting his hind leg up to look at his underside. "Ooh, you're a big boy!" she exclaimed, as Chow Chow pulled his leg out of her grasp and turned to Snow with a look in horror.

Did she just. . . she heard him say in her head, and she stifled a snort of laughter.

"I wonder whether you can be a stud for my girls," Qara said. "I'm just imagining the big, beautiful white puppies you'll create! Snow, can I borrow him, please?"

Snow's eyes twinkled impishly as Chow Chow shot her a glare. "Why not?"

He whined loudly and tried unsuccessfully to hide his bulk behind Snow. "Aww, he didn't like me doing that?" Qara said.

"I think he's just shy, but I'm sure he'll warm up to the idea," Snow with a devious grin.

No, Princess, I won't! he said, butting his head against her back.

If you're naughty, I'll loan you to Qara!


When Erden stepped into his father's tent, he saw that someone else was already standing before the table with her arms crossed in front of her, together with his father's advisors and faction leaders. With her long flowing hair and smooth bronzed skin, Sechen stood out amongst the bearded older men.

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