23: Ready for a Sword Fight

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From her doorway, Snow heard sheep bleating as they returned to their pens for the night. In her hands was a bowl of cooked meat that she'd set aside for Chow Chow. When he caught sight of her on his way back, he bounded over so fast that he nearly barreled into her, his white tail wagging furiously.

Mmm, this mutton is delicious! Chow Chow saidwhile chomping on the meat.

"Erhi helped me with the cooking," she said, pride evident in her voice. Watching him eat her cooking with such enthusiasm made her smile.

Oh, that explains.

"Explains what?" Her eyes narrowed.

Oh, nothing! Let's eat!

"So, what did you mean by dressing appropriately for training?" Snow asked later that night as they readied to sleep.

Chow Chow yawned widely, revealing his canine teeth. He laid his head on his front paws. You're a clever one, I'm sure you can figure something out, he said cheekily. Good night, Princess.

Snow exhaled through her nose when Chow Chow snored softly from his usual spot near her door. How are you supposed to guard my yurt when you're sleeping like a log? With a pang of guilt, she recalled the distance she had to walk when herding sheep, and how much the dogs ran about to keep the herd moving. He must be so exhausted today.

Her mind went back to the question of what to wear for her first lesson while she brushed her hair. For a brief moment, she thought of disobeying him for the fun of it, and turning up in the Hidden Realm wearing whatever she liked. Who cares about lessons! she had thought impishly. But then she remembered Munkhtsetseg's story, and how she defended herself with a sword when her baby's life was in danger.

I should take training more seriously. And anyway, it's only for five weeks; it'll be a waste if I don't make the best out of it. When Erden comes back, I'll consider whether to continue lessons or not. But first, what do I wear? Oh, the dilemma!

Snow flopped backwards onto her bed, undoing all her hard work on her tresses. She rubbed her face as she jogged her memory for inspiration. How was Erden dressed when he practiced his swordplay?

The image of Erden slicing the air with his sword and moving across the imperial courtyard with incredible speed flashed before her. She remembered his handsome face beaded with sweat, the way his thick, dark brows furrowed in concentration, and the power and strength in every motion. How his long, glossy hair fell around his shoulders when he stopped for breath, and how his broad chest rose and fell as he huffed.

"Snow, what brings you here?" he had asked, walking over to her. His defined arm muscles showed through his silk sleeves, and she had gazed admiringly at his towering form. He looked good in a shortened robe the color of lapis lazuli, accented by a wide, black leather belt.

It had taken her a few seconds to realize she was gawking, and she quickly held up a water gourd. "It's a hot day. I brought you some cooled chrysanthemum tea," she had said as calmly as she could. Her heart thudded loudly in her ears when a slow smile spread across his lips.

"Thank you, Snow. You're always so thoughtful."

My Erden, my husband. Snow sighed and buried her face into his pillow. How I've missed you so. At least I know what to wear now. I just have to keep that image in mind while I drift off to sleep. . .

Chow Chow was expertly twirling a long, wooden staff when Snow sashayed towards him in smart black trousers tucked into knee-high boots.

She was just remarking to herself how lightly he moved on his feet, when he suddenly spun and leaped into the air. She fought the urge to applaud when he executed what she recognized as a butterfly kick – sweeping his staff underneath his airborne body at the same time – and landed in a crouching position, with the staff pointed at her.

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