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"Thank you for meeting me here, Ms. Copeland."

"Like I really had a choice," I said sarcastically, narrowing my eyes at two tall handsome men standing stoically a few feet away from me.

I tossed a vicious scowl to the two thirty-something guys dressed casually in jeans, a t-shirt, and long sleeve button down shirts. With their super cool sunglasses hanging in the dip of their shirts, the taller one with thick dark hair discreetly scanned open police room while the other one with a buzz cut kept his dark eyes on me. Their cool and silent demeanor ticked me off for some reason.

Thing One and Thing Two have been on my tail since I was discharged from the hospital this morning. After the two police officers easily caught Phil and I last night, they escorted us to the hospital, where the doctor insisted I stay the night so she could monitor for a possible head injury. Other than a few scrapes and bruises on my arms and pride, I escaped serious bodily damage.

I had no idea Thing One and Thing Two were standing outside my hospital room until I heard Phil shriek, "I'm her freakin' best friend! Did you know she's a complete monster if she doesn't get her blended caramel coffee?"

As soon as I opened the door, Phil used the brief distraction to slither her way inside the room as I studied either my new security team or the world's worst assassins. I settled on security when they greeted me with, "Your Majesty."

"Well, I'm pleased to meet you," an early forty-something Asian man said seriously, leaning back in a black leather rolling chair behind a simple modern desk. "My name is Wolfe Renning, but you can call me Renning. I'm head of the security team for the royal family. I need to ask you and Ms. Cooper a few questions about last night."

I bit down on my lower lip to suppress a cheeky grin because I was ninety percent sure I couldn't call him Wolfe with a straight face. Although with his predatory stare and impassive facial features, he kind of behaved like a wolf waiting patiently for the perfect moment before pouncing on the poor innocent prey.

Maybe the unusually spacious, organized, and brightly lit police station served as Renning's natural habitat to mentally stalk the bad guys. Maybe the modern and clean cut office area was meant to relax the alleged criminals and unwittingly push them into confessing.

While the combination exterior of concrete and red brick gave the police precinct a certain law enforcement vibe, the interior certainly didn't with its bright white walls and plush furniture in the waiting area outside the secured reception space.

The police station back home was busy, loud, messy, and dirty and filled with old metal desks and filing cabinets that had seen better days if not decades. While the officers were nice during my brief visit for a job assignment, the disorganized state alone convinced me to be a law-abiding citizen with pride.

"Look," I said with a heavy sigh. Despite sucking down my blended coffee in record time, I was exhausted. I just wanted to head back to the cozy hotel room I shared with Phil and take a long nap. "I'm sorry I broke the sword of destiny. I honestly didn't mean to. I just wanted the same right as the men and be given a chance."

I swore his mouth twitch slightly, causing his defined cheekbones to widen. Was this guy amused by our little caper?

"I agree the law regarding the sword is a bit antiquated," Renning said carefully, steepling his naturally long and tan fingers. "I'm glad you weren't seriously hurt. The sword has already nicked a few of my men."

I honestly couldn't stop my eyes from rolling as my mind had no idea where this pointless conversation was going. Were Phil and I headed to separate jail cells? Could this guy declare me queen of the country right now? Did I need to slay a dragon with the sword to prove my worth?

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