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Just casually chatting with a super hot guy way out of my league turned me into a gigantic hot mess. Seriously. My brain would demand why the guy was talking to me in the first place. My eyes would rip off the poor unsuspecting soul's clothes, steering my mind into naked territory. My lady bits would then scream for attention.

More than once, I needed to excuse myself from a perfectly fine conversation before I ruined it with a blatant sexual offer. Even a thought-provoking discussion about Chris Evans' career couldn't stop me from awkwardly blurting out my sexual intentions.

Anytime Phil called "dibs," I could breathe easier knowing I didn't need to worry about being cloyingly charming or how to get into his pants. Even without those hurdles, I still had trouble carrying a normal conversation with a super hot guy and usually remained quiet until I needed to answer a question.

Prince Grayson Bannen was no exception to my brain short circuiting any or all rational thoughts.

Standing well over six feet similar to his father, the prince sported thick dark brown hair that matched the facial scruff, serious brown eyes, and naturally tanned skin. While the king's physique was all defined bulk and brawn, Prince Grayson appeared leaner in faded jeans and dark gray button down shirt with the sleeves rolled to reveal a few black tattoos on his forearm.

I had no doubt his body was well defined underneath his clothes – more than likely hiding a six- or even eight-pack and the elusive v-cut. The beautiful cherry on top of this tall yummy goodness besides the obvious brooding and frustrated look? The dark round glasses protecting his dark eyes and pretty much marking him as a hot nerd boy.

Without the eye wear, the prince would simply appear ruggedly gorgeous with maybe a hint of flirty playboy if and when he ever decided to smile. But once the frames were in place, hello sexy and intellectual professor.

Attractive smart guys were one of Phil's many, many weaknesses. I was somewhat impressed she wasn't hyperventilating as she discreetly stared at the prince who stood behind the couch where his mother sat.

"I don't like leaving the dogs when they're on edge like this," Prince Grayson said with a scowl. "Even the guards can't distract them from wanting to sneak back into the house."

"Have they settled down at all?" the queen asked calmly, draping an arm over the back of the couch.

He shook his head, causing a few locks to fall in front of his specs.

Phil softly inhaled a dreamy breath as I bit down on my lower lip to keep myself from giggling.

"Where are my manners?" Queen Elena asked rhetorically, flashing us a bright smile and a light laugh. "My apologies, ladies. This is my son, Grayson."

Phil and I nodded curtly at the prince who continued to frown as he acknowledged our presence with a quick nod.

"His dogs, Samson and Marley, have decided now was the best time to act out," she explained with a brief grimace. "They normally roam around the house and stay out of trouble, but they sometimes get overexcited when guests are over."

"I'd love to meet them," I offered eagerly, hopeful at the chance to meet the beautiful furballs.

She quickly shook head. "Normally, they're well behaved, following Grayson and Vaughn's commands, but I fear they would jump all over you ladies. I swear sometimes they think they're lap dogs starved for attention."

With my heart aching to reduce myself to begging, my mind knew better and my mouth remained closed. I quickly stared at my hands in my lap to hide my disappointment when the king returned carrying a huge silver tray filled with an assortment of tiny sandwiches and desserts. My stomach rumbled at the exquisite spread, reminding me of the piece of buttered toast I managed to choke down for breakfast.

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