Chapter 7- RULES

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Surprise double update, ENJOY!

Xander POV-

(When their dad told them about Val)
She is alive.
I don't know if I should be happy or sad.
No I can't-
She is the reason mom left.
She loved her more than us.
She left for her,
Because of her.
I hate her for that.
I have to hate her.
I also need to stay away from her because I can't handle if she left again.
I have to stay away from her.
I don't want her to get hurt because of me
like he did.

(When she came home)

When we went downstairs I saw her. She looked beautiful just like mum.
But ... She wasn't the same girl. Her eyes were dead. Her aura was dark.
Really dark and dangerous.
When she glared at me I was shocked.
She was really scary. I looked away nervously,I saw everyone looking at us. I composed myself and glared at her again.
When Lucas hugged her I won't lie I was jealous. She didn't pull away but didn't hugged him back, she was tensed like she wasn't hugged in ages.
She is hiding something. Something happened.

You don't need to worry you need to hate her remember,I scolded myself.

Everyone know you love her already, you can't hate her. My consciousness said.

Shut up

Admit it you do. It replied.

Well you are right but shut up.

I saw everyone looking at me.
"Behave" dad scolded.
I left and went to my room.

(At mall)

I got to say that she have good taste in clothes when she told her style to xav.
I smirk knowing how much xav loves to shop.
I won't lie I was shocked, how can she pay this much, I am sure the bill was more than $240000(A/N: do you think it's too much?) And a black card,we all have it but dad haven't given her her's.
In shock I had a stupid thought and I muttered out loud but I think xav and Luca heard as they glared at me then Val snapped at me, means she did too.

And what is she talking about she worked but how, she is a minor and what job gives this much money.
I was about to speak but she left saying she had to do something important, like what she just came yesterday, she don't know anyone here and what work.
" You dumbass what did you did she left because of you she don't know anyone or anything about New York ,what if she gets lost and how will she come back home and what if she got taken against, and why in hell you said that she got it from her sugar daddy, you fucking dickhead" Xavier yelled.
Oh god what did I did?
Why did I said that?
Stupid you stupid mouth-
Oh god Alex and dad are going to kill me.
I threatened,begged and did everything to convince them to not say anything to them.
We went home and everyone were there, they asked where she is and I told them that she left saying that she have to do something and will come before dinner, and we tried to tell her to not go or ask you but she didn't listen and ran away I said.
They all were angry and worried too ,I was too, lucas and xav were looking at me angrily.
Then we heard a car pull over so we all went out and saw-
her coming out of a black Lamborghini Aventador.
Where did she got the money from and why she changed her clothes.
I guess we will know.

Valentina POV-

After torturing some people I changed from my bloody clothes to some black jeans and a white hoody. I then drove to the Romano mantion. I went out of the car and saw all of them looking at my car and me. I rolled my eyes and walked to them, I pushed Xander out of my way and started going to my room when Alexander asked more like yelled"Where were you and whose car is this?"
I turned around and saw everyone looking at me waiting for me to speak.
" First, don't yell,do we have to do this now I mean can't it wait for tomorrow second,none of any of your business where I went and Third, ofcourse it's my car,who else it would be" I said in a bored tone. I don't have time for this shit. " Why did you leave the mall and when your brothers told you to call me, you didn't listen to them,why?" James asked. Those fucking liars. I chuckled mockingly."Well Xander this is what you told them, don't tell me you didn't told them about your complements and your kind words,huh?" I asked mockingly.
"Well what did you said Xander?" Rafael asked suspiciously watching him like he knew he did something.
"Well I am tired so you can do this shit without me, I am sure Xander will tell you truthfully so gn" I said turning around but James said something that changed my demeneor.
"We will talk about this later but now we need to discuss some rules,so my office now" he said walking away with all the boys following him with Xander who glared at me but there was regret and guilt in his too. I rolled my eyes, now he is guilty. I sighed and followed them we went to the office James sitting on his chair with the boys siting on couches or leaning against the wall or just standing. I sat on the chair opposite to James with a blank face then he began.
"These rules are for your safety,so I expect you to follow them.
Rule 1: Don't disrespect us and no talking back.
Rule 2: No cussing.
Rule 3: no smoking, drinking or drugs.
No clubbing too.
Rule 4: You will inform me or your older brothers if you go out and will not go out of the house alone without any bodyguard or any of your brothers.
Rule 5: Don't come into my office unless you are told to and don't go in the basement or the third it is reserved for business ok
Rule 6: No boyfriends, you can be friends with boys if your brothers or I approve them.
Rule 7:Curfew at 11 on weekdays and 1 on weekends.
Rule 8: Inform us if you are having sleepovers with your girl friends.
Rule 9: No fighting at school.
Rule 10 : I saw your previous grades are good as you are a junior in school as you skipped grade 9,so I expect you to keep your grades up"all my brothers were shoked as he said that.
"This is it for now you can go now" he finished at they all looked at me trying to find a reaction as I listened to their bullshit with a blank face. I then suddenly started to laugh like crazy and this is definitely not a happy laugh. They were looking at me like I am crazy,well I am.

Cliffhanger? Well sorry but if I continued it would be a long chapter.
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