Chapter 19 -What you're doing to me?

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Val's POV-

"I am never watching that even again" Xander bitched about the movie as he threw up,again.
Xavier, Marco, Antonio, and daniel nodded in agreement.

We watched horror movies back to back because Xander wanted to scare me but his plan backfired because after 'dead alive' he couldn't take it anymore. He threw up a few times and is now looking like a mess. Xav,Marco, Antonio and Daniel were not any better. Everyone else were looking alright, they all shrieked a few time but they looked better than these five.
Lucas, dad, Emilio, grandma and aunt angela were rather excited and were actually enjoying this, I didn't knew they were horror movie Fans.
Me, Alexander, Leonardo, Bruno, dante, grandpa and uncle Stephan were the the only one who had a straight face on the whole time.
But I would be lying if I said I didn't enjoy this.

"How the hell are you all so alright?" Asked Xavier.
"We are not scared cats like you" replied Leonardo and Xander scoffed at that. To which Leo raised his eyebrow and Xander looked away immediately.
" Okay it's almost time for dinner, so you all go and freshen up while we prepare dinner"grandma said and went to the kitchen and aunt sophia and aunt angela followed her.

Everyone went to their rooms. I freshened up quickly and went to the kitchen where the ladies were preparing Dinner.
I went to the kitchen and asked grandma " Is their something I can help you all with?"
She looked a little startled but smiled nonetheless.
" Oh dear, we are almost done here but you can set the table if you want" she replied.
"Okay" I said and went out to the table and started setting up the table.
When I was done almost everyone were there waiting patiently for the ladies to be done and then we all sat together and started eating.
After dinner I excused myself and went to my room. I checked a few mails, I also got a message from Isa informing me that Merida is tracked and will be put in the tort*re room by tomorrow. I send her a quick reply and went to the bathroom to bo my night routine and changed.
I took my sleeping pills and went to remembering the events of today with a smile.
I went into a deep slumber thinking about the gray eyes of the mystery boy.

In the morning-

I woke up at the same time as usual, did my morning business, got ready and went downstairs. When I went there everyone were already seated on the table except Xander, Xavier and Daniel. I sat on my seat and greeted everyone getting many 'good mornings' back. We waited patiently for them and after five minutes they came looking like zombies with those dark circles indicating they didn't get any sleep.
They were teased the whole time they ate and everyone got a good laugh except Alexander, Dante and me ofcourse but even I can't resist teasing them a little.
After breakfast we went to school and I went to my first class and sat on the last bench were I sat yesterday.
Just before the class start mystery boy stepped into the room. He scanned the room and groaned when he saw me sitting on his seat. I smirked.
He came and sat beside me.
"Why are you sitting here again?" He asked annoyed.
" Because I want to" I replied.
" I thought I made myself clear when I said that it's my seat" he tried again.
" And I thought I made myself clear when I said that it's not your property and I can sit wherever I want" I retort.
He grunted.
" These people are afraid of me, why you are not?" He asked again.
" Why would I be?" I questioned.
" You don't know who I am,do you?" He questioned.
"No I don't" I replied nonchalantly.
" You are going to regret talking back to me when you'll know" he stated.
" te aseguro que no me voy a arrepentir" I replied in Spanish.(translation- I assure you, I am not going to regret it)( A/N - blame Google if it's incorrect)
" You know Spanish?" He asked surprised.
" I do " I replied.
"And how do you know I know it too?" He questioned looking curious.
" Your Spanish accent gave it away" I answered.
" It's not that obvious" he scoffed. I gave him a deadpan look.
" Fine it is.. just a little" he replied.
I raised an eyebrow at that, amused.
" Fine it is obvious" he admitted rolling his eyes. I smirked, amused.
" Whatever" he grumbled.
" No need to be bitchy it's not a bad thing" I complimented. I am not lying, it really is hot.
" Whatever" he said and looked away but I caught a glimpse of his little pinkish cheeks and his red ears. He's blushing, cute.
He quickly composed himself and avoided looking at me for the whole period but I don't know why but I couldn't stop myself from staring at him and I know he could feel my stare.
He look really familiar but I can't remember meeting him before.
The class ended and he finally looked at me " see you tomorrow, chica." He said and left.
I stood and walked out to my next class.

A few classes later-

It's lunch time and everyone are eating and talking but I can't concentrate on it. No matter how hard I try I can't stop thinking about mystery boy, why is he familiar? I don't know. Why I am thinking about it? I don't know.
" He's Val you okay? You look distracted, you barely touched your food" Elliott's voice snapped me out of my thoughts, the concern was evident in it. He was sitting next to me and was speaking low making sure that no-one except me hear it.
" Yeah, I am okay, just thinking about something" I said the half truth.
He was not at all convinced but decided to drop it for now.

Get a hold on yourself Val. I scolded myself.

What are you doing to me, myself boy.

Sorry for the late update, my exams just ended yesterday.

So what do you think about mystery boy?
Also, I am thinking to change silas's name to Santiago Martinez, should I change it?
Words: 1064

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