Chapter 7

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I'm late for the next council meeting, or as late as once can be when there's no time set. In English class, Carlos and I discussed his latest ideas on potential Agatha-nicknames, and in science class, Matthew even said hi.

After classes ended, I stayed with Mr. Callahan to discuss my latest test results – I'm starting to feel like Kaia, but instead of failing to reach full marks, I'm apparently failing the class altogether.

"Even though this is your senior year, there's no reason to slack off," Mr. Callahan told me with a stern look over his glasses, "I'd suggest you focus extra hard on your upcoming presentation."

"Uh, of course," I winced. Mr. Callahan staring at you isn't exactly the most pleasant thing.

"I recommend you join someone, instead of working by yourself," Mr. Callahan continued and adds unnecessarily, "It'll be better for your grade anyway."

So here I am, slowly pushing the door to our clubroom open while having a mild crisis over the fact that out of the two members in the council that are also part of my science class, I didn't really want to ask either of them. Matthew was already distracting at best and highly unnerving at worst. Meanwhile Vivian was, well, Vivian.

"Hey June," Liling calls out as soon as I enter, with her long black hair tied up in a high ponytail and the brightest smile on her face, "I was hoping you'd come!"

"Uh, hi Liling," I mutter.

I'm not exactly sure why anyone would be hoping I'd come and join a meeting, since I can't remember a single thing I contributed to the council so far. Still, her excitement is somehow flattering, and I feel my cheeks color.

"June" Logan comes over to pat my shoulder, "Great you're here!"

I quickly duck to avoid his hand. It's uncomfortable, the way he touches me so naturally, especially since it still somehow feels good. And it's not supposed to.

Liling steps to my side and shoves Logan away to loop her arm through mine. "Come here! Since we decided on adding pancake brunch to the cleaning schedule, I made some pancakes for you guys to try!"

I now notice the long table in the middle of the clubroom with all of the council members around it, inspecting plates with lots of different pancakes on them. There's a delicious smell in the room and several council members look like Christmas came a little early.

"Are we seriously calling this brunch though," Duncan says while Liling places a whole lot of different pancakes on my plate, "It sounds like we're middle-aged white ladies. Or in a boarding school."

"I don't think I asked for you input," Liling says and sends a beam in my direction. "I hope you'll like my pancakes, June I heard you're a pancakes fan, so your opinion is extra important."

I don't remember announcing I'm a pancakes fan but maybe Kaia spilled the beans about me already – it's not really a secret, just some random fact that I crave pancakes almost every second a day. And every day a week. And every week a year.

"Liling," Carlos announces with a full plate in his hands, raising his fork, "The blueberry pancakes – oh my god. I swear, I'll marry you if you always make me pancakes."

Liling laughs and nudges his side and they're all giggly until Duncan sends a very annoyed glare in their direction. Carlos clears his throat and gets up quickly.

Kaia's waving at me from where she's sitting at the front desk, chatting with Agatha and Johnny.

"Those are really great, aren't they?" she says and points at the black and white chocolate pancakes, "Liling's a genius."

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