Chapter 16

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Matthew takes a quick shower and leaves me standing by the bleachers like an idiot. The other guys from his team pass by and all of them give me curious looks, so I smile and wave and feel like combusting any second.

Logan moved closer somewhere along all of this, and even nudges my side. There's something impatient on his face, and he clicks his tongue in annoyance. I ignore him.

It's not until Matthew's back, one arm comfortably slung around my shoulders while the three of us walk to the clubroom, that Logan speaks up.

"Well, that was surprising," he says and tries to play it very cool, "I didn't know you two were dating."

That makes two of us.

"Of course not," Matthew laughs, "We started just this Sunday, right June?"

All I did on Sunday was keep up with my favorite shows, eat lots of the honey cake my mum made, and maybe think of Matthew romantically in my weakest moments. But – I have no clue where hooking up with Matthew fits into this. Maybe, I start to wonder, maybe I accidentally called him in my sleep? And mumbled "Let's date"? Could this have actually happened?

"Right," I say very slowly and opt to touch Matthew's hand, because girlfriends do these kinds of things, I guess, "So many relationship news come out of a sudden lately, right Logan?"

I give him a look and he doesn't even flinch. Instead, Logan looks mostly baffled, and not in a flattering way.

"Wow," he says and shakes his head, "Wow, I totally didn't expect this. Not from you, June."

Why is it, I ask myself, that whenever there's a small victory for me, Logan manages to make it worse right after?

"Why though?" Matthew says, "June's pretty, and I liked her ever since she joined the club. We both confessed our feelings and now we're dating."

This sounds pretty sweet. I have to admit, I wouldn't mind it being true. Even though this whole Matthew liking me ever since our first club meeting sounds both parts farfetched and like a really bad teen movie. Plus, Logan knows me. The fact I end up confessing to another boy is extremely unlikely, and there's this look on Logan's face that tells me he's thinking exactly that.

"Well, congrats man," Logan says, "You two make a, uh, nice couple."

"Thanks," Matthew pulls me closer and I almost stumble over my feet.

It's amazing, how he's still so much taller than me even when I'm wearing my three-inch boots. Logan looks like a dwarf next to him.

Back in the clubroom, I expect Carlos to be all shocked, or throw a tantrum, but he only gives me a wink and then goes to high five Matthew.

"Of course June already told me," he says, "But still, congrats man. Date well and everything."

What. A. Traitor. Also, why does he think I would tell him first?

Matthew grins and they exchange a few one-liners about dating and girls in general. I make a happy face that immediately drips of my face when I get a hold of Matthew's collar and drag him out of the room. The hallway's empty, and I double check Logan's not sneaking around the corner, before I face Matthew with a what-the-heck-was-that expression.

Matthew beams at me and shows a thumbs up.

"Well, that went great!" he says and sounds extremely enthusiastic, "Logan totally bought it!"

I'm extremely confused.

"What went great? What is going on? I'm sorry Matthew, I know I sometimes talk in my sleep. If I accidentally called you it wasn't on purpose."

Now Matthew looks confused.

"Accidentally called me? Is this part of our story now? Sorry, I was just improvising."

"Story?" I say, "What? Am I being punk'd?"

"Punk'd?" Matthew repeats, "Is this still a thing?"

"What, I don't know," I say, "Plus, this not the point here. Why am I your girlfriend, Matthew?"

Matthew stares at me blankly. Then, he groans and runs a hand over his face.

"So – Kaia didn't tell you."

Now it's my turn to groan. Of course. Of course. Kaia. Why didn't I realize this before?"

"What did she do," I deadpan and resist the urge to throw my hands in the air.

"Mainly, Kaia convinced me it's for the best if I act like your boyfriend for a while," Matthew says as if this is the most normal thing ever, "You know, hold your hand and all those things, preferably right in front of Logan. She may have also told me what happened over summer, and that Logan didn't mind two timing you. Which is really not cool. Kaia said Logan has to suffer. I agreed."

I'm processing this for half a minute. It sorts things out, but still leaves me confused.

"You agreed? Just like that?"

"Just like that," Matthew grins and shows me another thumbs up, "Didn't even take me five minutes. Kaia's really good at convincing someone."

"But – isn't Logan your friend? And I'm not?" I point out, "Why are you helping me?"

Matthew furrows his brows. "You're my friend, too. Also, why should I side with Logan no matter what? I'd rather play your fake boyfriend than his, just saying."

I stare at him. Matthew laughs and rubs the back of his neck. "I was just trying to joke."

"Sure," I shake my head, "I just don't understand what's in it for you. I mean, annoying Logan is nice for me, sure. But I don't think it'll that much fun for you, unless –"

I pause and give Matthew a narrowed eyed look.

"I can't pay you. I'm not rich, you know, my car is really old. Not as old as Mr. Johnson's prehistoric beetle, but my mum had to take it to the shop twice last year."

Matthew laughs. "What? I don't expect you to pay me."

"You're not taking money from Kaia either?"


"And – there is no blackmail involved?"

Because even though Kaia may look like an angel, she's also fiercely protective to the point she'd do anything.

"No there isn't," Matthew grins and takes my hand, "June, I really just want to help you out. It's kind of fun actually. I never had a fake girlfriend."

Matthew looks completely honest. I'm still suspicious, because I watched my fair share of high school shows, and fake dating almost always involves some weird agreements that aren't predestined to turn out well.

"You swear?" I ask.

"I swear," Matthew shakes my hand all formally, "Plus, it isn't for long, right?"

The fact I'm actually, seriously in a fake relationship starts to really sink in, and I apparently missed the point to get out of it some minutes ago. But I don't feel bothered by it. Instead, I feel egoistic. Logan hurt me multiple times and still does, so why not taking a little revenge on him? If there needs to be an embarrassing fake relationship with Matthew, so it be. I can't bring myself to complain, especially not because it's Matthew. There are way worse guys Kaia could have chosen.

"Not for long," I say, "Just until Logan suffered a little." 

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