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I have attended more parties this month than I ever have in my entire high school career. I straighten my leather jacket as I squish myself through a group of belligerent delinquents. I don't even know whose party this is, but Maya invited me once again. I would have thought after we completed the econ assignment that we would shake hands and go our separate ways. It seems Maya has taken a liking to me as much as I have to her. I rarely waste my time making new friends, but for Maya, I will make an exception. Besides, I don't have any female friends and a new change in perspective would be refreshing. I know our friendship would never be anything but platonic. I might be the furthest thing from her type. The complete opposite.

"There you are!" The girl of the hour exclaims with the widest of grins. "You have to help me crush these losers in beer pong."

An uncharacteristic smile escapes my clutches as she drags me by my wrist towards a pair of guys. I've seen them in the hallways but never cared enough to learn their names. I don't waste time with niceties, instead, I grip the nearest ping-pong ball and skillfully toss it into the cup in the furthest row. I smirk as onlookers cheer. The game becomes unnecessarily tense as our competitors take this as seriously as an NBA final. I square my shoulders and deliver another graceful landing. I take wicked pleasure in watching the taller of the two struggle to down the remnants. The alcohol has taken a hefty toll on him. I'm mostly impressed by Maya as she holds her own, completely owning two guys that are twice her size. She downs the drink as a ball drops in her cup, holding it above her head in silent victory. I line up my next shot. If I make this, we win. I make eye contact with my competitors and drop my eye in a cocky wink before sending the ball to victory. Maya wraps her right arm around my waist and the other in the air. We shared a brief hug. I turn as I am greeted with a pat on my shoulder to see Eli holding a beer of his own in his hand.

"Good shot." He grins. Eli has always been more sociable and outgoing than me. He never says no to a party, so it's not surprising to find him here tonight. "Didn't think I would see you here."

I gesture to Maya. "I didn't exactly have a choice. Maya made it pretty clear I should come tonight, or she'd beat my ass."

Eli snorts as if he thinks I'm joking.

"I'm not kidding." I insist. "She's a force to be reckoned with."

He gazes at the petite girl as I reach into my pocket. I cheer as my hands locate my pack of cigarettes. I pull one out of the pack along with my lighter. "I'm going for a smoke," I reply and glance at Maya cheekily. "You play nice. He's delicate." I dodge Eli's oncoming punch and brush past the overbearing crowd.

The second my lungs fill with fresh air I feel like normal. I sit on the porch steps and light my cigarette. The ash is a brutal red. A contrast to the dimly lighted area. I glance at a girl a few feet away stumbling around. She leans against a tree with a bottle of Whiskey tightly clutched in her hand. She raises the bottle to her lips and knocks it back. I squint my eyes in hopes of seeing better as she stumbles closer. My eyes widened at the disheveled figure a few feet ahead. I take one long drag of my cigarette before stomping it out. I blow the smoke out before apprehensively approaching.

"Luna," I called out, but she either didn't hear me or she's too intoxicated to even register her name. "Snow."

My shadow appears in her line of sight, and she whips around with lightning speed, immediately making her disorientated. She stumbles to the left and loses her footing, but I manage to catch her before she falls onto the cemented ground. I lift her and walk towards the grassy area. My phone incessantly buzzes in my back pocket, and I groan. I place her on her feet and keep a steady arm around her waist as I reach for my phone. Dad. I bite my lip and answer the call.

"Hey, dad," I speak as I press the phone to my ear. "What's up?"

"Where are you, kid?" He questions. "I just got home and you're not there."

I debate whether to tell him the truth or lie. I'm so deep into my thoughts that I completely lose my hold on Luna and she drops to the floor with a thud. She doesn't seem to be too hurt, instead she bursts into unrestrained laughter. I roll my eyes. She rolls around in the grass before her drunken behavior takes a turn for the worse. She moves her arms and legs as if she's making snow angels. She gathers judgmental looks from partiers passing by, but I choose to ignore it.

"I'm at a party." There is a brief silence on his end followed by wholesome laughter.

"That's funny, kid." I can practically hear the smile on his face. "I'll see you later and then you can tell me where you were." After he hangs up I glance at my black screen in disbelief. Does my dad think I'm that much of a loner that the idea of me being at a party is completely outrageous?

"Hudson, why is Luna on the ground?" Maya's voice demands as she approaches us.

"I found her like this." I raise my hands in surrender.

Maya reaches down for the inebriated girl but Luna slaps her hand away. Maya retracts as if a snake had just bitten her. "Luna." She scolds her best friend as if she were a toddler. Her laughter picks up again, but this time it's taken a more hollow turn.

"He doesn't love me, Maya." The drunken girl weeps. I scratch the back of my neck.

"You've got this handled from here, right?" I question Maya.

"I need your help!" Maya exclaims in disbelief.

"Look, I don't do well with feelings, okay," I reply in annoyance. "Can't you both just have some girl bonding time?"

"Help me get her in my car." She orders equally as annoyed. "She's staying at my house anyway tonight."

"You're not driving home." I sniff. "You had more to drink than I did."

"I'm a big girl, I can take care of myself." She insists.

I idly comb my fingers through my hair and release a large pent-up breath. I brush my hands over my jeans before stalking towards Luna. I lift her with ease and toss her over my shoulder. "I'll take you both home," I grumble to Maya. "I'll get your car in the morning." I want to punch myself for getting involved in something that has nothing to do with me. Here I am having to clean up the mess jockstrap made while he gets to enjoy the night away. I yank my rusty truck door open and shove Luna in the back. "I swear, Luna, you better not puke back there."

"Leave me alone." She groans like a toddler and flails her legs. I shove the door before joining Maya in the front.

I revel in the lulling silence, the only conversation being the brief directions Maya gives me to her house. I enter the tree-lined streets. Maya's home is only a few houses away.

"I bet he's kissing Cynthia as we speak." Luna speaks as her thoughts take a dismal turn.

"Don't think like that," Maya replies at the exact moment I do. "He most likely is." I ignore her withering look and pull up in front of her house.

"Thanks for the ride." I help her get a sleepy Luna towards her front door before bidding them both a good night.

I release a rapid expulsion of air as I stroll to my car. Leave it to Austin Chambers to make a complete mess of everything and get away without any consequences. I lean my head against the steering wheel and contemplate whether I should take matters into my own hands or not. Should I take justice into my own hands? I promised my dad I would stay out of any more trouble, but the downside to promises is no one ever stays true to their words.

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