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Hudson Wilder is as unforgiving as the fall. His mood swings are as unpredictable as the morning - you never know what you're getting for the day. The forecast might predict sunshine, but the dark clouds could appear at any second. He's been avoiding me for days since his dispute with Austin in the hallways. He hasn't spoken to me, I've even caught him turning in the opposite direction if he sees me. It's crazy to think he's managed to avoid me for so long even though we live directly across from each other - but Hudson has always been stubborn.

The carnival is already in full swing as if it appeared the second the night appeared. The festive lights are so bright you would think it's the day, but the glimmering stars and bedazzled moon are still the main attraction. The smell of popcorn and hot dogs invade my nostrils and my stomach immediately pleads for me to indulge in the appetizing meals.

"I'm starving." The familiar voice speaks from next to me.

I glance up with a scoff. He cheerfully glances around the carnival taking in the sight. The unpredictable mood has struck again - as if he hasn't been avoiding me for days. As if we didn't have an uncomfortable moment.

"What are you doing here?" He glances at me as if I'm the one acting strange.

"You asked me if I wanted to go to the carnival." He shrugs. "And as your boyfriend, I couldn't say no, right?"

"You're still doing that?"

"Why wouldn't I?" He questions with genuine confusion.

The whiplash of unpredictability is confusing.

"Hudson, you can't keep pretending everything is fine."

"It is though." He tucks his hands into his jacket pocket. "Life's good, snow."

I want to confront him, force him into continuing the conversation - but now isn't the right time. I exhale with a slight nod.

"Fine." I bluntly reply before gesturing for him to follow.

I glance around trying to find something to do, uncertain of how much time I truly want to spend around Hudson. However, he doesn't seem to feel the same distress as I do as he coolly strolls through all the stalls, glancing at everything he could eat.

"You know, you're the one that suggested coming here." He states but doesn't take his eyes off the stall a few feet away. "Shouldn't I be the miserable one?"

"I thought I'd give you a break, just for tonight." I snap.

He chuckles and glances at me for a second.

"Good one, snow." He grins. "How about some pizza?"

He doesn't wait for my reply, instead, he happily glides towards the pizza stall. I take the moment to gather my thoughts.

"Why are you standing here all alone?" I turn to face the voice with a smile, but it instantly drops when I notice Cynthia next to Austin - their hands intertwined.

"I'm just waiting on Hudson." I point over my shoulder.

Where is he when I need him?

"Are you having fun?" Austin awkwardly questions.

"I'm having a lovely time, thank you for asking." Hudson's tone is patronizing as he approaches us and a scowl immediately forms on Austin's face.

"I'm so happy to hear that." He replies with as much sarcasm as possible.

Hudson acknowledges his reply with a nod before nudging me with his shoulder.

"Let's go eat." He walks off without as much as a goodbye, leaving me to deal with the awkward aftermath.

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