Chapter Three: Fire Ball

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My father has spared no expense on the ball which is evident as we walk toward the meeting hall. The pathways are brightly lit with soft white lights that look like little stars. The servants are standing in wait by the front door to valet any of the visiting wolves cars. There is soft music playing over a new sound system, it's classical for the arrivals. Entering the venue I can see that my father has draped the room in silver and black, there are small tables with food and drinks laid out. This is where he will spend most of his night greeting and greasing with those leaders who choose to make an appearance. However, the real party, where I will spend most of my night, is out back. 

My father insists I stay a little while inside to greet our visitors and accept their birthday wishes. I secretly wish that I could just go straight out to the bonfire to join my friends and packmates. There would be better music and more fun outside than in here. But I understand my father is an important man and the other men of importance expect to see me standing beside him. I only wish there weren't so many people coming from out of territory. I am worried about Phil finding his mate and abandoning me. 

My wolf, Amara, doesn't like crowds either. I'm not sure if it's because of Phil or if she is generally just a little restless when we find ourselves trapped inside with too many people. I sense it's the latter because she is still hoping to find her mate. 

As though he senses the tension, Phil leans down and places a very soft and sweet kiss onto my lips. 

"Don't worry. It will be quick," Phil reassures me, wrapping his arm around my waist and rubbing his nose into my hair. I assume my smell has gotten stronger. Usually on your 18th birthday your smell is revealed to all around you, it makes the mating process easier. I also know he's rubbing his scent on me to keep the boys away from me later. For Phil this is a strange thing to do, he is never possessive, never worried. 

The line of arrivals is actually very quick. Most Alphas are precisely on time for events like this. They are hoping to get in and out quickly. They're not overly interested in an 18th birthday. 

An hour after the party has started there is a lull in the activity coming through the door. Most of the Alphas from other places have arrived, wished me happy birthday and excused themselves into corners of the room to make mindless chit chat. My father dismisses me from the entrance with a, "have fun little one." I don't need any encouragement to run out of the crowded and stuffy venue into the open air of the bonfire. 

The music is roaring out here with everyone dancing and drinking, celebrating our transition into adulthood. I look for Kal but find her preoccupied with one of our packmates, just outside of the view of the campfire. I wish I could see who she's with but it's shadowy and he's turned away from us. I decide to let it go for now, I will get the details from her later. Instead I look up at Phil who has been dutifully by my side all night and shoot him a big smile which he returns and pecks my lips. 

"Would you like to dance princess?" He asks.

I nod my head enthusiastically. The music is fast and the bass is vibrating through me, all I want to do it dance. 

I run off toward the crowd of my peers with Phil right beside me. He places one of his hands on my hips as I start to move them with the music, periodically bumping my ass or back against Phil. He pulls me right up against him so I am practically grinding against him. As the song changes, he flips me around so that I am facing him. He keeps his hand on my hip and lifts the other one to my neck to pull me in and kiss me. 

It's not like every other kiss we have shared. Phil has a sense of urgency in his kiss as he bites my lip to deepen the kiss. I allow him access and his hand moves from my hip to cup my ass, giving it a gentle squeeze. His other hand trails a light pathway down my arm and brushes over my breast. I feel breathless as we pull apart and make eye contact with one another. He leans down and kisses where my shoulder meets my neck, where his mark will be in such a short time. 

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