Out of here?

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Percy's pov.

I felt the water around me and a whole new wave of strength washed over me

I used the water to slide across the floor and sweep them of there feet and they all screamed in alarm

I took that advantage to jump over the flaming stove and burst through the back door

Bruce drove up quickly and I ran for the door

A man tackled me from behind and I tumbled to the concrete floor

"Don't move!" he yelled he pulled me up and slammed me against the wall

I threw my feet up an pushed away from the wall and slammed him into the car

He yelled and I threw him over my shoulder h slammed into the floor and gasped I kicked him in the head

He fell to the floor and I jumped on the car next to Bruce who grinned at me

"Learn something new everyday!" he said and we sped out

I coughed and clenched my chest
I heaved an sat back his smile dropped and he glanced at me "you inhaled to much smoke from the fire" he said and sped down the road

"I guess..... lets go to.... Montuik(?) beach" I said he frowned

"I have a cabin there we should be safe until I can call my friends" he nodded and kept quiet

"This isn't your first time....on the run?" he asked quietly i nodded

"Yeah it's normal for me though every year some one or something would find a reason to try and kill me" I sighed and sat back

A roar of a motercycle brought my attention to the road "hay is that?...." I started but never finished Bruce looked through the rear view mirror and saw the rider

"Oh no" he said

"It's Steve!" He frantically explained

"Drive!" I yelled

Percy Jackson avenging the domainKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat