Stop the lie

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Percy's pov.

I looked at the man and he grabbed my arm, before I could protest he pointed a gun at me and I closed my mouth

He dragged me out of the room silently
All the others were resting and Clint an Natasha were gone

He put the gun to my head when he pulled me out of the room and dragged me down the hallway

"Perseus Jackson , you are authorized by SHIELD and you are arrested for disrupting the peace" I snorted

"You destroyed Half of New York with your hurricane" he stated and glared at me with his one eye

"Never in all my years with working for SHIELD, have I thought I would see someone as young as you take another's side, your different and unstable-"

"Unstable!" I yelled ,the walls shook
"I protected people I helped you!" he pushed me forward an I stumbled

"You destroyed people's homes! you are not a hero an your not a villain" he frowned

Panic surged through me and I breathed heavily
My chest hurt and I struggled to stand
"Please, I never meant to, I wasn't trying to-" he put The gun to my head and suddenly we were on the top of the ship

He pushed me into a smaller jet and suddenly more agents were around me
"Hold him" he said and they threw chains around my arms and legs

I was muzzled and giant iron gloves were placed around my hands
"I'm sorry" a man muttered and pushed me down onto the seat

The team


They have no clue what's happening

Percy Jackson avenging the domainNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ