Chapter 3

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Taehyung's pov

I finished my shoot early today so me and manager went to the practice studio. I opened the door of practice room and saw that members were discussing something. No one noticed me. I put on a fake smile on my face as I decided not to show my feelings to others. As I went near to them I heard kook saying 'hope he never smiles again'. And all the members nodded to this. I felt my heart break. I asked myself is 'my smile that disgusting that no one wants to see it'? I still went to the members with that fake smile.

Jungkook's pov

Taehyung came again. Yea. Taehyung. Not taehyung hyung. Who will give respect to that alien who always smiles or is always forcing others to sacrifice their rest and go out just because he wants to hang out. He came to me.

Jungkook: Oh Taehyung you are here.

Tae's pov

What what he didn't call me hyung. I am still older than him. But I shrugged it and answered him with a smile on my face but in return all I got was a death glare as usual. It broke my heart. I was about to go and sit down when hobi hyung started the music. We practiced for 6 hours. I was tired from the shoot because it started early morning and I barely sleep because my mom, I mean Mrs. Kim stays in Usa and when its night here it is morning there. She keeps on messaging me saying that I have murdered my grandma. And one more reason is that I keep on having nightmares of that accident that took my grandma's life. It is too scary. So after 6 hours of practice they all stopped and were looking angrily at me. Just then I felt a slap on my face. It was namjoon hyung who slapped me. Then he shouted at me "YOU ARE JUST BRINGING US DOWN. CAN'T U DO EVEN A SINGLE STEP WITHOUT ANY MISTAKES" then hobi hyung kicked me "EVEN JIN AND NAMJOON ARE DOING BETTER THAT U TAEHYUNG. IT WAS MY BIGGEST MISTAKE THAT I MADE U A PART OF DANCE LINE. IT WAS BETER IF I CHOSE ANY ONE FROM JIN AND NAMJOON. U ARE JUST A BURDEN ON US. BLACK MARK ON BTS. SEE YOUR GRANDMOTHER WAS ALSO THINKING THE SAME AND SHE WANTED THAT BURDEN TO GO AWAY SO SHE LEFT U FOREVER. NOW PLEASE STOP BEING A BURDEN ON US." With this I had tears in my eyes. He said that I was a burden on my grandma. Then Jimin my soulmate came. He kicked me once again "CAN U PLEASE STOP SHOWING YOUR FUCKING SMILE TO US. U KNOW IT IS SO EMBARRASSING THAT EVEN YOUR GRANDMA WAS EMBARRASSED WITH IT. PLEASE STOP SMILING. AND EVEN MORE U DON'T DESERVE TO SMILE AFTER MURDERING YOUR OWN GRANDMA." With this they all left me there in the studio on the floor.

Is smiling a crime? Tae×Bts Where stories live. Discover now