Chapter 24

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Jin's pov
The doctor inserted some kind of anesthesia and sedated him so that he won't wake up and will have a proper rest. He opened two of his wounds which needed to be stitched again.

While the doctor was in tae's room we all were outside discussing about Tae's health. Just then I asked everyone that tae was speaking something.

Jin: Guys did u hear tae was speaking something.

Joon: Yea I also heard him speaking something but his words were not clear and we all panicked seeing him panic.

Jimin: Hyung through what I could figure out he spoke something like "truck please save grandma" and he even said "grandma grandpa I am sorry"

Jin: Oh my poor boy he must have had a nightmare about his grandparents.

End of flashback

The doctor said that he will have continuous nightmares but till the time he is sedated he won't wake up.

I feel bad for him that he'll have a nightmare but will not wake up and will have to suffer through it alone.
No one will be there to comfort him or even if we do he won't feel it cuz he is sedated.

We went back to his room only to see him sleeping on hospital bed. Though he sleeps throughout most of the day but he still looks very tired.

I remember the time when I scolded him really very badly during a vocal lesson just because his voice was cracking and that was because he was sick.

I don't know why do we hate him. Maybe just because of his smiles? If the answer is yes then I realise now that we used to hate an angel.

I was lost in the deep thoughts of taetae when the heart monitor started beating fast we all panicked. I quickly pressed the emergency button.

The doctor came in no time and told us that he had a nightmare but he calmed down soon. That was the only good thing about it that tae calmed down or otherwise something bad would have happened.

Jimin's pov
I am dying. I can't see my soulmate in so much pain. Since the day we are back here in the hospital he has not woke up for once.

I want to talk to him. Apologize to him but he is not waking up. Taetae please wake up I really really want to apologize to you.

He is having a nightmare but we can't even comfort him because he is sedated. I really want him to be fine.

Though his wounds are healing but the process is very slow. They are slowly healing. Not forgetting about the cancer.

It is still stable due to the medicines they inject into tae every morning and evening (I don't have any medical knowledge so pls deal with it)

He thankfully calmed down from that nightmare. The doctor told us that he would be waking up soon.

If we see our comeback schedules they are postponed for now. While we were writing the lyrics I and joon hyung created a sound track but I deleted it by mistake. I never told anyone that I deleted it.

That time I blamed taehyung for deleting the track even when he was no where near the studio the whole day.

Dont worry tae I won't let anyone say anything about it to you. I know I did a mistake and I'll tell the truth to everyone.


Sorry for a bad chapter but still hope you like it. Sorry for not updating from so many days. I was busy with homework. Really sorry for not updating and for a bad chapter

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