Chapter 31 - Birthday Surprises

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Despite adamantly telling Payton and the girls all week to keep my birthday under wraps and not make a big deal of it, in their typical fashion, they couldn't help themselves and had some surprises waiting for me Friday morning when I arrived at school. To their credit, they did at least halfway listen to me and reigned in what I'm sure were originally much bigger, more embarrassing, plans.

When I get to school I find my locker door all decked out in a million different photos and birthday cards plastered to it from the girls. It's a collage of color, sweet memories and inside jokes cascading down my red locker. Inside it are streamers and confetti covering every square inch not taken up by my school books. I'm not entirely sure how they got a hold of my locker combination, but I'm not surprised they were able to get in without me knowing either. It's so like Payton and the rest of my friends to not let anything stop them from what they put their minds to. Each of them love their people hard, a trait I admire about them and am truly blessed to be on the receiving end of these past three months.

"Payton also bought a birthday sash and crown but I think I was able to convince her to wait until dinner at your house tomorrow before she makes you wear them."

Tyler walks up eyeing the decorations surrounding my locker and greets me with a kiss on the cheek.

"Thanks for that."

I laugh and look up to my handsome boyfriend who's leaning against the lockers next to mine.

"Now don't get mad at me, but I couldn't let your friends, especially not my little sister, show me up....."

Tyler pulls a small bouquet of pink daisies from behind his back.

"Happy Birthday Lila."

"Tylerrrr..." I take the daisies from him with a slight blush covering my cheeks. I'm still getting used to Tyler's public displays of affection.

"You know you didn't need to do this, right? Plus my birthday isn't until tomorrow technically."

"I know, and I knew you would say that too." Tyler chuckles "But I wanted to make your last day of school as a sixteen year old special anyways. If Payton's allowed to get away with decorating your locker then I should be allowed to buy my girlfriend some flowers."

He gives me his biggest, most charming smirk. The one that makes it impossible to argue with him on anything because he looks so dang cute. It's the dimples, they kill me.

"You Johnson's....." I smirk back "...trouble makers, the both of you." I say sarcastically.

"Yeah but we're your favorite kind of trouble."

Tyler swings his arm around my shoulders and we walk towards my first hour class.


The rest of the school day went in similar fashion. Payton, Rachel, Kelly and Claire all sang 'Happy Birthday' to me obnoxiously in the cafeteria in front of everyone. Was I a little embarrassed? Well of course, because I'm still working on being ok when the spotlight is on me. But even still, being surrounded by the group of friends I've made here, all of whom I know would walk through fire for me, overpowers any shy tendencies I might have previously let control me.

"We didn't scar you too badly today, right?"

Claire asks and hands me one of the homemade cupcakes she made for my birthday. She doesn't love the spotlight either but goes along with all of Payton, Kelly and Rachel's silly antics. I think she realizes it's good for her the way it's good for me too.

"Surprisingly, no. I guess you all are wearing off on me more than I realized. Thank you all again for making today special." I say genuinely to each of my friends. "I mean I could have gone without the horrible rendition of 'Happy Birthday' just now, but the thought behind it was nice." I joke.

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