Chapter 33 - Brothers Will Be Brothers

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"Is this supposed to tingle?" I nervously question.

The girls and I are upstairs in my bathroom trying out the face mask Kelly brought over for us.

"Yeah my face is starting to kinda sting a little. Kelly, what the heck did you bring us?" Rachel adds.

"Everybody calm down, I'm sure it's fine. Let me just double check the directions real quick." She starts rummaging around the messy bathroom countertop looking for the packaging the mask came in.

"I thought this was supposed to be soothing and hydrating. I'm gonna be honest, I'm not really feeling very glowy right now." Payton jokes.

"Ok, here it is. Blah blah blah, Rub the mask on clean dry skin....yada yada. Yeah I don't see anything about tingling on here?" Kelly tells us with a shrug.

"Let me take a look." Claire leans over Kelly's shoulder to read the package. "Kelly! These masks are expired! Look at the date on the bottom. They expired six months ago!"

"Everybody wash this off quick!" Payton yells and we all frantically start rubbing the purple clay mask off our faces as fast as we can.

"How was I supposed to know it has an expiration date? It's not like I was planning to eat it?" Kelly tries to defend herself.

"When did you get these?" I ask while rubbing a wet washcloth furiously over my face.

"Last Christmas. My mom put it in my stocking."

"So almost a year ago?!" Rachel yells.

"Okay, okay. My bad. Lesson learned." Kelly starts laughing.

After all of us girls are sufficiently scrubbed until we're red in the face (thankfully no other horrible side effects or allergic reactions happened, I think we got the masks off fast enough) we decide it's better to steer clear of any more beauty treatments tonight.

There's a knock at my bedroom door.

"Hey Lies, do you and your friends... Woah, what happened to all of you?" Charlie points to our pink faces when he opens the door.

"Don't ask." We all deadpan simultaneously.

"Geesh, ok." Charlie laughs. "What I was going to ask was if you and your girlfriends wanted to have a bonfire with Lucas, Tuck and I."

Tyler and the other guys left my house around nine after we finished dinner and I opened my birthday gifts. They stayed to hang out for a little bit but left kind of early saying they were trying to let us girls have some 'alone time'. I think more realistically they were all still pretty nervous around my older brothers. Apparently my brothers' protective instincts extend to my girlfriends as well as me. Charlie, Lucas and Tuck watched the guys' every move all night. It was unnecessary but still kind of endearing.

"Um yeah, that sounds good. As long as you guys are ok with that?" I ask Payton, Kelly, Rachel and Claire.

"Yeah, sounds fun! We know you don't get a lot of time with your brothers home." Payton answers for everyone.

"Cool. Bring some blankets down, it's cold out." Charlie exits my room.

"Ok so when are we going to talk about how HOT your brothers are?" Kelly blurts out not even a second after Charlie leaves.

"Kelly! Get a grip, that's Lila's brothers you're talking about. Plus you're with Chase." Rachel scolds.

"What? You all know I love Chase, obvi. I'm not allowed to appreciate how fine Lila's brothers are though?" Kelly asks unashamed.

"It's alright. I'm used to it by now." I laugh it off. "Besides, what kind of a hypocrite would I be if I got mad? Have you all forgotten I'm currently dating Payton's brother."

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