Roses (silenttomorrows)

12 6 4


Roses are red

Violets are violet

Sometimes we rhyme

On autopilot

And actually roses are yellow

The ones in my garden are thorny and bright

So just like a jolly good fellow

I'll give you those flowers

You'll think me polite

But really I need to make an impression

So here, have some pansies

I'll give you ten dozen

And just so you know,

That my heart is yours

I have some petunias,

cactus and gourds

Now my sweet Angel

I've baked you a cake

It's thirteen feet wide

And garnished with grapes

So you feel my love

I'll buy you some bling

My intentions are good

Though I'm misunderstood

Please, oh my darling

please give me some hope

In shape of a heart

Here's a soap on a rope

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