1. Isabella

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Updated 9-05-2022
There is no fucking way. Was the first thought as I looked out of my window seeing my enemy and his mom putting boxes into the house next door.


This can't be true, I must be dreaming, I'm gonna fucking end my life right now, what the fuck, no. He is a monster. Someone with no heart. He is rude and a player.

Why does he needs to live right next to me? Not even on the other side of the street nope. Right next to me. Fuck. My. Life.

I immediately called Diane, my best friend since kindergarten. She immediately picked up at the 3rd ring.

"Bells, I love you so fucking much but why do you have to wake me up so early in the morning??" She said with a sleepy voice.

"D it's 1PM" I laughed. "Oh. But still that is waaaaay to damn early for me, this must be an emergency or I'll fucking end your life." She threatened me.

I took a deep breath before answering "would you believe me if I told you that Grayson motherfucking Miller is going to be my neighbor from now on?"

I heard her gasping and then she squealed "NO FUCKING WAY OMG GIRL THE TWO OF YOU ARE GOING TO BE ENEMIES TO LOVERS!!!" she yelled excitedly.

"Oh my god there was no need to make me deaf" I laughed before getting serious "and FYI no, you need to stop reading Wattpad books," I told her, nodding to myself even though she can't see that.

"Mmhmm before the end of the year the two of you are together. Boyfriend and girlfriend or fuckbuddies it doesn't matter," I gasped at what she said. This girl has no damn filter.

"You are so fucking crazy, but I gotta go before I lay in bed allll day again," I said as if it's a bad thing. "Yeah yeah whatever do it safe hun," she said laughing before I hung up.

I walked into my bathroom and brushed my teeth, if there's one thing I hate, it's having a stinky breath.

When I walked back into my room, my eyes fell on the picture on my nightstand, a picture of my beautiful family, Mom dad and me. It was my birthday, I turned 13 and he surprised me and came home from the army, It was the best day ever.

At first I had a nice breakfast, after that we had a picnic in the park and the rest of the evening was spend at the fair, I remember my dad winning a lilac purple bunny for me.

Ella, my dad named it after the last 4 letters of my name, because it took him 4 tries, man I love him.

Ella, my dad named it after the last 4 letters of my name, because it took him 4 tries, man I love him

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The bunny

I opened my drawer and grabbed an envelope, from dad. He has been writing me since he left for the army. Ever since, i've been keeping his letters in my drawer. Speaking of, I need to write one back very quick.

Dear dad,
First of all, yeah we're still doing great and mom is also good, and you know, your tips with studying really worked! I got an A+ for my french test! And it's all because of you, it's actually really smart to learn the meaning of the words in Italian because that way it is easier for me, and Italian sounds of course a lot like French. I miss you so much dad, sometimes it's hard you know? Not having you always around, but your letters really make me feel better and when your letter isn't in our mailbox yet, I just start reading the older ones, no matter how many times I've read it, I just can't get enough of it. Oh and let me tell youuu, guess who's my new neighbor? You won't believe it when I say Grayson mother fucking Miller. I'm sorry for my language. That boy he is so annoying and a big jerk! He's so, UGH i can't even describe with words how much I hate him. I mean he is a player, he is always with another girl. Every week if it's not every day. You know I would bet $500 that that boy, has done it with half of the cheerleaders, and i'm not even kidding. One day at a party, i saw him in the backyard with 3 CHEERLEADERS on his lap. THREE! Like how is that even possible isn't that like annoying for three rucking horndogs to sit on you??? I mean last night, I was at a party but I can't really remember anything, the only thing I remember is that Diane practically threatened me to come with her or 'else she would chop all my hair off while i was sleeping' i didn't believe her 100%, but i still went with her because that bitch can be scary and you know it! So when I was at the party and he had that girl named Kelsey on his lap, you know? The one who was friends with me and Diane but then she betrayed us. That one. And then half an hour later he was with Emily, I have biology with her. But anyhow, enough talking about them, more about you. It's really sweet of you that you send that picture, I didn't even knew you that one! I was so small there, and now i've grown a lot, and for you to see it, i put a picture of me and mom in this envelope too with a message on the back ❤️. I miss you dad, but I know you're doing this to keep everyone safe so it isn't really a big deal.
I love you,

I didn't even realize I was crying until I saw a tear drop on the letter. I just quickly wiped my tears away. This is not the time to be weak Isabella!

I walked downstairs to my mom, maybe she could calm me down a bit.

A/N I updated this chapter, I know it's very short but it was my first time writing it. The next chapters are waaayyyyy more better.

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