Authors Note & Character Constructs & Copyright

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Dear Readers,

This story is not technically my first but it is my very first long one, so please don't be too harsh. I hate when people hurt my feelings or insult my writing, even if it's unintended. So it will not be tolerated, whether it's towards me or others. I am not a great writer but I want to be. It is very cheesy, unrealistic, and romantic but also touches on a lot of important issues. This story is completely fictional and is a work of my design.

Please enjoy!



*You don't have to read these character blurbs but I think it would help. Most of my characters are of different backgrounds and are POC but you are welcome to imagine them any way you like*

Kareena 'Kari' Acharya- Is an 18-year-old girl, standing at 5ft 2. Her ethnicity is northern Indian. Her hair is long and naturally black but recently she had dyed it silver with black shadow roots. She is a curvy dark-skinned girl with golden-brown eyes. Living with her only sister in her small hometown, Queens Valley.

Current Occupation: Retail Associate at Spirit, a waitress at William's Cafe, and a waitress at I Dream Of Tea

Personality: Kareena is a fun-loving, sparkly, upbeat, talkative, friendly, determined, independent, impatient, positive Libra. Being upset makes her heart ache and her stomach sick, so she doesn't do it. She overstresses the little things and is constantly ignoring her feelings for the sake of others.

Her talents include but are not limited to: track and field, being fashionable, writing, helping anyone and everyone, reading, gossiping with the librarians and giving people advice.

Her inabilities include but are not limited to: Chemistry, sharing, any type of musical ability, lying/keeping a secret, and talking about her feelings.

Life Quote: I have no room in my heart for hate. I'm old and tired.

Zion Heathton- Is an 18-year-old boy, standing at 6ft 2. His ethnicity is African-American His hair is a dark black fade, which never changes. He is a fairly muscled dark skin-toned football captain with piercing deep brown eyes. He is an only child, waiting for the day he can move out of his parent's house.

Occupation: N/A 'cause he's lazy

Personality- Zion is a goofy, loving, loud, enthusiastic, stubborn, adventurous, somewhat shy, athletic, and protective Taurus. He hates it when anyone tries to make him or anyone around him feel small or ignored. He may act stupid but he's not an idiot.

His talents include but are not limited to: Football, Baseball, cheering his friends on, and ballroom dancing.

His inabilities include but are not limited to: Singing, adapting to change, talking about himself, cleaning, and hairdressing.

Life Quote: If I go down, we're all going down. Don't you think there's a reason I let you all in on my plan?

Aidan Luvy St. James- He is an 18-year-old, standing at 6ft 5, boy. His ethnicity consists of half-Canadian on his father's side and half-Swedish on his mother's side. His hair is a burgundy mop of curls flopped over his forehead just shy of covering his light blue eyes. His body was slightly muscled, but he was mostly a peach-skinned thin boy. Although he lives alone in a loft above his auto shop, his happy family consists of his mother, father, grandfather, and older brother.

Occupation: Running the St. James Auto shop.

Personality- Aidan is clever, shy, intelligent, optimistic, sweet Capricorn. He comes up with quick plans to get his friends out of trouble, even if they do deserve the punishment. He hates when anyone around him gets upset and tries to help them out however he can even if they don't like it.

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