30 | rule 25

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"She probably had a good reason to leave," Theo reassured me on our way back to the packhouse. I nodded my head, but I did not speak — I could not speak. It was like I was in a daze, the world suddenly turned to fog. I felt abandoned, abandoned by Ma.

She was a mother and a wife. She had a job she loved, and a family that adored her. She would have no reason to leave. So, why did she? And, why did she leave without so much as a trace?

None of it made sense. The Ma I knew and loved would never leave me and Pa behind. She just wouldn't.

Firmly in denial, I sluggishly got out of the car when we reached the pack house. Theo, sensing something was off with me (I could tell by the narrowed look he was giving me ) suggested we watch a movie; he said it would be a good way to keep my mind off Ma. He also said I had a whole lifetime's worth of movies to catch up on. I told him I was too tired, and he did not push the matter any further.

As I made my way to my room, I flung off my shoes but did not bother changing my clothes as I collapsed in a heap on the mattress. Before I knew it, I was out like a light. My sleep was restless, my body tossing and turning.

When a resounding boom of thunder echoed throughout my room, I woke up with a start, head looking in every direction despite the lack of light filtering through the room. Exasperated, I thought about taking this time to change into my pajamas, but the thought was fleeting. Instead, I pulled myself under the covers. Sighing, I rolled on my side, pulling my hands up to rest underneath my cheek. Instantly, I was startled. I bolted upright as my hands felt something wet and sticky.

Confused, I reached over and turned on a lamp. As soon as my bedroom was illuminated in light, I screamed. Like molasses, a bright red liquid seeped through my white pillow case, smearing onto the lap I had touched. Had I hit my head?

    Checking to see  if there was a wound on my skull, I pulled my fingers away to find no blood or gash on my head. In a state of surmounting panic, I forced the pillow off my bed. I couldn't supress the earth shattering scream that escaped my lips. I screamed like my life depended on it.

    Underneath my pillow was a handmade doll, clad in chainmail. The doll was torn up, tiny little organs spewed about. A big puddle of blood oozed out of the doll as if it had been freshly killed on my bed. Jumping up, I distanced myself.

    That's when I noticed a peculiar looking strip of paper, untouched from the blood. With shaky hands, I unfolded the paper, leaning to the side to swallow the bile rising in my throat.

    The note read:

Time is ticking. Don't let it run out. Or else your Pa will pay the price.

    Crumbling up the paper, I slid it into my pocket; it took a few tries, my fingers having a hard time cooperating with my mind. My gut told me the Council did this. While the paper did not state who left the vile doll under my pillow, there was no other reasonable explanation: the Council had planted it. They were going to kill Pa if I did not bring them a witch.

    I should have been surprised at this revelation, but I could not force myself to feign surprise at the fact this act no longer seemed out of character for the leaders of my homeland. The Council would not make light of my lack of progress when the fate of our homelands rested on my shoulder.

Pulling me from my thoughts, someone came tumbling through the door."What happened? Are you okay?"

    It was Theo.

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