29 | rule 73

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C H A P T E R T W E N T Y - N I N E

I never gave any serious thought to the idea of Ma leaving the Borderlands voluntarily. I mean, of the handful of people who left the Borderlands, only Eva left of her own free will; or, that was what had been told to us. No one would leave the Borderlands permanently unless they were under the spell of the Supernatural.

Regardless, why would Ma — if she was still alive — go through so much trouble to hide her identity? Maybe she was ashamed of being dragged over. Maybe she wanted to run away from it all. There were countless different possibilities, but they didn't linger in my mind as long as the kiss between Theo and me.

    Admittedly, our kiss was not my first. When I was younger and more vulnerable, Si confessed he had a crush on me. I was so flustered by his confession that I couldn't conjure up the words to say I saw him as a friend. So, when he went in to kiss me at age fifteen, I didn't pull away. The kiss was so sloppy and full of tongue I swore off kissing. At the time, I hadn't thought kissing could feel so good, so right.

    A month ago, I would have been convincing myself that Theo put some sort of spell on me to feel that way, but I couldn't help but know that wasn't true. It was the bond that pulled us together. But, had I accepted the bond? I knew I hadn't truly accepted it. At the same time, I hadn't written it off either. I would be a shame to the Borderlands. But why did being a shame feel so... good?

    I tried to shake off the warm contentment floating through my body, but it was hard to wipe it off when the thought would pop right back. I couldn't keep Theo off my mind, and I had little reason to, anyway.

    I had teased  Theo earlier when I said he was worse than what I had been taught in the Borderlands. I liked to poke and pry at him, and I knew he didn't truly believe my words. Otherwise, he wouldn't have pulled me into a kiss, but how would I answer the question honestly? I determined I was still figuring out that answer.

    Unfortunately, soon after we got the result there was no match for Ma, a storm started to brew, which meant Theo's warriors had to quit searching the Border for the day. Theo assured me they would resume searching if the storm cleared, but the strike of lightning that illuminated the room told me they probably would not be out surveying the Border anytime soon.

    While sitting in Theo's office, I concocted a plan. Originally, I was dead set on Theo not learning of my interest in witches. I thought it would bring unwanted questions. However, at every turn, we were hitting a dead end with the search for Ma. It would be the perfect opportunity to bring a witch into the mix. Then, maybe they could help locate Ma and then help secure the Border.

Admittedly, it was an impulsive idea, but it felt like the right idea. Nevertheless, I was nervous. I bit my lip, opened my mouth, and then shut my mouth faster than I opened it. Theo looked up from his computer with curious eyes.

"Yes?" he questioned, staring me straight in the eyes. Currently, Theo was sending out a scanned version of the sketch I drew of Ma to all his alliance packs to see if anyone would recognize her. I did not think we would be so lucky to find her this way with our track record.

Quickly avoiding eye contact, I looked down, sighed, and then looked up again. "Do you think we should... do you think we should bring in a wit–"

Before I could finish my thought, Theo abruptly said, "no."

"No? You didn't even let me finish my ques–"

"–no," his face was blank.

"Why not?" I inquired, crossing my hands over my chest. My curiosity spiked; why was Theo so adamant against finding a witch? Did he know the true reason I was in search of one? Surely not, but my anxiety skyrocketed, regardless.

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