s2 e8

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i groaned loudly while dragging myself through the doorway of my daily class. Alyssa. Ava was exactly behind me, eating sushi, as she always did.

did this asshole not eat breakfast or was this her breakfast?

i glanced over at her, "are you gonna eat sushi all morning?"

"are you going to complain that im going to eat sushi all morning?" she lifted her brow.

i chuckle as i shook my head, pulling my attention downward into my books. i was trying to drown out any and everything around me. i was exhausted, so exhausted.

"you okay?"

"yeah," i say lowly, keeping my attention on my paperwork in front of me.

"you taking me for an idiot is astonishing," she chuckles. "but if you don't wanna talk about it right now, that's fine."

"no, im just really exhausted and tired," i yawn. "would you mind picking up Allen? i really don't wanna be up right now."

"sure," she laughs. "Alex you're rambling, you do that a lot when you're sleepy."

"uhh," i groaned as her words became faint. everything around me began to ... "disappear."

before i knew i found myself asleep but immediately jolted away as i felt Ava shove me.

"are you okay, Alex?" my eyes were pretty low but i could see her face, somewhat. she held a confused but concerned facial expression.

"yes," i uttered.

"Alex, go to my dorm room," huh?

"Ava, wh-i have class come on now?" i say trying to pull myself together collectively. "class is almost over."

"i don't care, go. go lay down and get some rest," she quickly held my face up with her fingers under my chin. "listen to me, go and get some rest."

"fine," i whispered.

"ill tell Miss Adam's, explain it to her, whatever, just please take care of yourself."

i studied Ava a while before i nodded and headed off out of the classroom.


i woke up the faint smell of cigarettes, fucking disgusting, i hated dorms sometimes. i bolted up from the bed, panting.

calm down Alexandra, calm down.

"are you okay?" i heard suddenly from an all too familiar voice. that voice belonged to alyssa, i hadn't talked to her since November-what the fuck?

i questioned, "what are you doing in here, Alyssa?"

"Ava told me to check up on you, she had to pick up Allen ... is that his name? i believe it is."

"it is," i say slightly annoyed. i yanked the covers off of me and pulled myself from the bed. "why are you checking up on me? you have other classes to teach, don't you?"

"it's almost 10 at night, Alexandra," what?!

i quickly checked the time, it read 9:45. oh my god, i slept that long? why the fuck would Ava let me sleep that long?

Alyssa studied me as she stepped closer, she held a worried expression, "are you sure you're okay?"

"yes," i say simply.

"you've seemed to have been avoiding me."

"not really," i roll my eyes. "i had to deal with my brother and the company."

"so that's why you missed class, Monday and Tuesday?"

"why do you care?" i shouted.

"can i not care?" she frowned her brows as she studied me. her tone was sad.

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