Chapter One

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A/N: Long chapter. I will probably split this into two. Hope you don't mind long chapters!

Casey's POV

A big country house with a huge sprawling lawn full of oak trees stood elegantly in a field. The only sounds audible were the owls hooting in the trees and crickets were chirping. This house, in fact, belonged to Casey Becker. A blonde haired, seventeen year old girl with a friendly face and innocent eyes that you couldn't help but smile at. 

Casey opened the paper lid of Jiffy Pop's popcorn swiftly and shook it roughly before placing it on the stove. Just as she was going to look through her VHS tapes her friend Randy Meeks and Y/N L/N gave her, the phone rang. Her hand reaches through it and she brings the receiver close up to her ear. "Hello?" she says.

"Hello," a rough voice comes from the other end. He sounded mysterious and odd. 

"Yes?" Casey says, impatient. 

"Who is this?" the unidentified man asks. The sound of footsteps were heard through the phone but Casey didn't seem to hear. 

"Who are you trying to reach?"

"What number is this?"

"What number are you trying to reach?" Casey asks, slightly confused. 

"I don't know," the man said dumbly. Unbeknownst to Casey, this mysterious man seemed to be watching her every move through the kitchen window. 

"I think you have the wrong number," Casey said, chuckling slightly. 

"Do I?"

"It happens. Take it easy," Casey said and hung up the phone and put it gently back on the receiver. Casey sat in the living room alone, looking through her stacks of horror VHS tapes that she bought from Blockbuster. A VHS store that sold any movie anybody could ask for. Casey's long lost old friend worked there: Randy Meeks. Casey drifted apart from the group when she broke up with her ex boyfriend, Stu Macher. Best friend of Billy Loomis and Y/N L/N.

 Y/N and Casey were quite close but ever since the break up, they drifted apart and didn't speak as much. If they passed each other in the crowded corridors, they'd exchange 'hello's' and nothing more. 

Casey's home was affluent and grand. Although, this was normal for Woodsboro. Suddenly, the phone rings and Casey answers it confidently. "Hello?"

"I'm sorry. I guess I dialled the wrong number," the mysterious voice said again.

Frustrated, Casey said, "So why did you dial it again?"

"To apologise."

"You're forgiven. Bye now." Just as Casey was going to hang up, the voice spoke again. "Wait, wait, don't hang up."

Casey stands in front of a sliding glass door which opens to reveal the porch. It's pitch black outside and Casey can't see a thing. The only sound she can hear is the incomprehensible mutters of the person on the other line and heavy breathing. The birds simultaneously chirped quietly outside. 


"I want to talk for a second."

"They've got 900 numbers for that. See ya!" Casey said, annoyed and she put the phone back down. The phone rings for the third time and Casey let out an exasperated sigh. The popcorn sizzled on the stove and Casey covers it with a lid, reaching for the portable phone. "Hello?" she said irritably. "Why don't you wanna talk to me?" It was the mysterious man again. "Who is this?" Casey asked.

"You tell me your name and I'll tell you mine."

Casey shakes the popcorn. "I don't think so."

"What's that noise?" 

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