Chapter 3

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I headed straight for home in the centre of the village, keeping to the middle of the lane so I could see all around me. Valestone was tiny, particularly compared to Pagnall, the nearest town, but today I was happy about that. The dome couldn't, wouldn't fail – but I kept my wits about me just in case.

Reaching into my pocket, I took out my phone and searched for Will's name. It rang for an age and when he didn't pick up, nausea rose. I tried Kat and got the same response, the uncertainty of their fate weighing heavily.

By the time the cottage came into sight, my heart thumped to a wild beat and a cloud of ominous thoughts had settled in my mind. My grandmother's cottage was still cast in eerie darkness. News of the demons had not yet reached Valestone.

I eased the rusted metal lock on the garden gate before slipping through. I fished my keys out of my pocket, biting my lip when the jagged teeth on the front door key jutted into the cut on my hand.

Inside, I rushed through the darkness forcing it from my path. Gran slept, cocooned in her duvet. She'd coiled her soft grey curls and pinned them tight. For a split second, my hand hesitated. She'd been so unwell, and for the first time she looked like she was getting a decent sleep. I hated that I had to wake her.

Shaking her shoulder, Gran's eyes burst open behind her diamond-shaped glasses. "What is it?"

Not fifteen minutes later, she was racing around the house, unclipping the bound curls in her hair, barking orders into her phone and gathering things she may need, while I followed her around like a lost puppy, waiting for her to instruct me too.

At last she signalled the end of her phone call with a beep. "I'll be back as soon as I can. The dome is up, so you will be safe here."

"I can help."

Gran's hands were firm on my shoulders. "My dear girl, you have helped. You've alerted us to the danger and now it is my turn to do what I must." She headed towards the door, whirling her shawl around her like a superhero's cape. One hand went for the broom propped up by the front door.

"You know what I meant, you never let me help. Not properly."

She didn't bother to turn around. "Your High Witch forbids you from leaving this cottage. I'll need you in the morning, but for now, you will remain here in the safety of my protection." Then she was gone.

I felt the bonds of her magic snap into place, holding me to the confines of these walls. I battled to the front door only for an invisible force to send me hurtling back into the hallway. My blood boiled, tears hot in my eyes. I threw myself towards it again, pounding the wood with my fists.

Finally, I stopped, tired and feeling too ridiculous to continue. My frustration went unheard as by now, the coven must have been well on their way to Pagnall.

In the poor light of the bathroom, I examined the jagged cut across my palm, a slither of exposed flesh flanked by bright red flecks as though my hand was encrusted with rubies.

The wretched thing would leave a scar.

I washed it, scrubbing away the dirt and the blood. It was only when I'd changed into my pyjamas and fell into bed with the sheets drawn up to my chest that I realised how much I trembled. I needed to talk to someone. Several more calls to Will and Kat went unanswered. My ears thudded in the blackened silence, drowning out all other sounds.

Sleep claimed me sometime between cursing my grandmother and jealous outbursts aimed at other members of our coven. Those who were valued.

A horde of female spider demons skittered across my mind as they had the forest floor, pincers poised for attack amidst a fluttering of wings covered in dark feathers.

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