15- He's nice, Mommy

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Stella's P.O.V.

"Honey there's someone that wants to meet you later today."

"Who is it Mommy?" Claire asked as we worked on one of her homework pages.

After I asked Cole if he wanted to meet Claire, he instantly said 'I'd love to'.

I wasn't going to lie. I was kind of nervous and was hoping Claire would like him. What wasn't to like about him though?

Before I left his room he asked me to keep being Claire's donor, a secret. At least until they were both completely healed.

Even though I wanted to thank him and tell everyone what he did for my daughter, I agreed. Nobody needed to know who he was except for that his name was Cole because chances were once Claire met him, she would start talking about him.

"His name is Cole. He's a new friend of Mommy's and very special to you too. He's the wonderful person that helped you get better."

She stopped working on her sheet and looked up at me.

"He gave part of his kidney to you. He's still in the hospital recovering from his surgery too and wanted to stop by and say hi. Is that alright?"

"Yes. Maybe he will color with me?"

"I bet he will." I smiled at her, kissing the top of her cheek before finishing the worksheet.

I wasn't going to push the school work while we were at the hospital, but Doctor Ren thought it would be good to keep her mind moving. It also helps the time go a little faster for the both of us since we don't have many visitors during the day after her surgery. Luckily since Claire's in kindergarten, it's not hard stuff and I was able to help her with everything to keep her caught up with the rest of her class.

About an hour later, there was a knock on the door before Doctor Foster and Doctor Ren both came in.

"Good morning girls, how are you feeling Claire?" Doctor Foster asked.

"Better." She said shyly.

"That's good, can I take a look at your belly?"

Claire nodded her head. I covered her legs with the sheet from the bed and helped her lift her hospital gown up as she laid back slowly.

He removed the bandages, closely looking over her scars and put a cream over the areas. "It's looking good. I'm going to put a different bandage on now, it's very important you don't start itching or scratching these area Claire."

He looked over at me, "I just applied a vaseline to the area, I'm going to leave this here for you. You can apply it as many times as she needs a day and just put a new bandage on it after each time. It's going to start getting itchy so this will help so that it's not as bad."

"Sounds good."

"Her incisions are healing nicely. When we leave the room, you can put loose, comfortable clothes on her now. The staples come out two weeks after her surgery so you will have to come back in to have them removed."

"When do you think she can go home?" I questioned.

Doctor Ren stepped forward, "The new kidney is filtering her blood nicely and everything in her tests look really good too. As long as it continues this way I'm comfortable with sending her home on Saturday."

"Oh that's great news."

"She will still need to take it easy and rest but I'm sure she would much rather be at home doing that."

"Yes, I think she would."

"I still recommend a full eight weeks to fully recover. I know that brings her close to the end of the school year."

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