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Authors Note: I didn't want to repost this but if people will repost without crediting me and pretend it's their story, I'll guess it's better if I post it myself so there won't be a repeat of this incident. Thanks to that random Guest who commented in my fanfiction.net account. The user have deleted it and apologized for their mistake.

Chapter 1: Misunderstanding

She couldn't move. The force of air slapping her body was making it difficult to battle. Plunging into a smoke of clouds, her eardrums were ringing repetitively to the point she could no longer hear.

Her hand staggered to reach her mouth, pearl teeth biting into skin as blood poured out. She brought her hands together to make simple signs of boar, dog, monkey, bird and lastly, raven... important signs needed for a summoning jutsu. She took in the unchanging hues of the sky as she waited for Katsuyu's appearance.

Nothing happened.

She repeated the actions again and again till she realized she can't summon her slug.

Changing her tactics, she struggled to twist her body, shielding her face from the sharp whiplash she knew was coming, her figure naturally shifted position from the gravitational pull. There was a tiny island down below surrounded by water. Her dry eyes couldn't take in any other details, instead she dived forward, focusing on falling in the ocean. Words of determination echoed over and over her head. She will make it, she will make it, she will make it!

With a large splash, her attention faded into the events that happened earlier...


A thin, boney, malnourished woman with alabastar hair spattered all over the ground, stared at her with irisless eyes inside the dimly lit cave. Sakura's kunai was held up high but she knew that she couldn't do much with it. A chunk of saliva sank down her throat, drops of sweat trailed down her head. Even if weakened, she was still... God.

"Where is Sasuke?" she asked, not moving a single inch from her position. The pinkette didn't want her to catch any openings. She wasn't sure what to do. Wait for reinforcement? Attack Kaguya by herself? Wait for Naruto? What was she supposed to do? What's the best course of action? It took all team 7 to defeat her during the war but right now she didn't seem at her prime while Sakura, on the other hand, got stronger...

"I killed him."

She- her hand clutched her throat, wanting to vomit. She couldn't breathe. Stream of bubbles formed around her mouth rapidly, skin slowly numbing with the drop of temperature.

Her eyelids gaped open, taking in the contrasting set of views. Her left filled with darkness, stretching as far as she could see. While her right, filled with rays of light shining through the waves. It was a beautiful sight, one she never thought she would think at this moment. As her weight dragged her down, neon green lights formed around her right hand to ease the pain in her lungs and with her left, she swept it down then up, peddling to the surface. She was this close into breathing but with chakra, she managed to get out. Taking in large glups of air, her nose, eyes and throat burned from how salty the ocean is. She remembered an island being here, so blinking the pain away, her fingers clutched the nearest source of footing only to let go as fast as she held it. It was ice? She pushed her hair back and wiped her face off any traces of water. It was ice.

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