Chapter 5

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Only bold writing is their wolves talking.


Oh my goodness!!

It was a hectic dinner to be honest. My breath got caught in my throat the whole time and I could barely swallow the food. Sarah kept talking to me and I had to avoid the ocean blue eyes of my mate to chat with her somewhat normally. I was so flustered.

Then as soon as the dinner was done he was up and out the door. Such a coward, couldn't even face me. I have a solid reason to not want to have a mate yet, but what's his problem? Am I that unacceptable?

No ways, no one can say no to this face.

And after I finally gathered my courage, I see him resting his head against the car hood as his parents have already left. And then our very first conversation strikes.

Although me and my wolf's instinct is to embrace the mate bond and loose ourselves in our mates' arms, but I keep myself strictly composed and do the talking.

His touch sent a spiral of feelings to go through my whole body and made my heart flutter like never before. He made all my senses to go blunt and numb. Is this how mate bonds work? Gosh, it's too hard to fight.

"Then don't." Startling me, my wolf speaks up.

Our wolves don't speak much but they do when they need to make us understand something desperately. Yes, they're part of ourselves, but they have their entirely other existence as well, we're just bound by body and soul.

"I'm sorry if it's hard for you. But you know why I'm being like this. I will never intentionally hurt you, Natalia."

Wolves are much more pulled to the bond than the human parts, their instinct is to mate and produce and make their clan bigger. Us, humans, are more complicated than them.

"I know. I am not saying to jump and mate, I'm just saying that don't fight it. If our bond pulls us toward our mate, then let it be. Let Goddess do her work. If you resist, it'll only end up hurting us four."

"Did you get to feel Steven's wolf?" I ask, turning on my stomach as I lay on my bed, curious to know about my wolf-mate, "Did he talk to you?"

"Don't be so stupid." Natalia rolls her eyes, "We can't talk till you two mate, remember? Chapter Mating 101, ring a bell?"

"Ughh!!" I roll back on my back, staring at the ceiling, I try to reminisce our chat. "But did you at least feel his presence? How did it feel?"

"It felt like everything and nothing. It felt like sun and moon, it felt like ocean and hills."

Her choice of words hit me deep, and I feel myself connecting in another level. It sure felt like this when I met Steve, when our hands touched, when our eyes met.

"Thanks." I mutter after a few more seconds. "For making me understand. I'll be less problamatic from now on."

I feel her smile before she disappears in the back of my mind.


The next day I wake up earlier than usual, I get ready for school and skip down the stairs where Maria is standing, waiting for me.

"So, how was it? Meeting with Alpha Rogers and his family?" She asks once we settle inside my car. "Did anyone in particular manage to impress this stone cold heart?" She points her finger at me making me roll my eyes.

"Nah." I shrug. "You know I'm not into these all." It hurts to keep a secret from my secret bearer. I'll tell her eventually.

"Yelena hurry up!" I send the message to my little sister through our pack mind-link.

"A sec!" Her yell travels back immediately and soon I see her running out the door, barely managing to put one of her shoes as she struggles to keep her bag on her shoulder. I shake my head, this girl can never be on time.

"Here!" She pants, shutting the door of my car. I start the ignition, roaring the car to life.

Maria and Yelena gets out when we reach our school, I take the car to park when my phone dings. I pull it out of my pocket and frown. An unknown number.

'Hey, it's Steve. I was thinking if you want to probably hang out later today?'

My face breaks into a smile. Shit, I've never smiled like this before, it's too teenage-y. Goddess help me!

Biting my bottom lip my fingers move over the keypad as I dial a text back.

'Sounds good. Where tho?'

The reply comes almost instantly.

'There's an amazing coffee place at our pack, wanna come over? :)'


His smiley makes me swoon and all tingly inside. Gosh, what is he doing to me! Wait. It's gonna be my first time at his pack. I gotta be as perfect as possible. I can't let my impression fail me. It's my alliance pack after all.

I get out of the car and head over to the lockers to put my books and get the first period stuff out when the very familiar scent of my male best friend invades my privacy.

"Hey Alphie." He greets with the cheekiest smile covering his face, his round glasses sitting on his nose. "How was the dinner date? After you broke-"

"Hush!" I slap a hand over his mouth to stop his blabbering. "Don't talk about that and embarrass me any further." I pull my hand off.

He grins stupidly. "But seriously, how was your 'find your mate' party? Did you find him? Or anyone?"

"I hated the party from the start and then that happened, so yeah I didn't find no one."

I can swear I saw a light flicking on his face as he readjusts his glasses before hugging his books close to his chest. He's such a nerd.



"What about you? Don't you want to find your mate? What about we throw you a 'find your mate' party?" I ask excitedly while we walk to our first class.

"Nope. They'll come around when it's time. I'm not really interested on finding them anyway. It's better if I have a choice."

"Don't be like this. What if they're eagerly waiting you, they'll get hurt."

"Wait, did something change?" He asks skeptically, "You were the one not wanting a mate just yet and all, now you're talking about dreams and mates and love? Oh my- what happened?"

"N-nothing." I stutter.

But really, what happened to me? Am I getting soft since I met Steve? Having the bond connected is actually doing things to me. I've gotta control myself around people.

"My thoughts just changed. That's it. Everyone's thoughts can change, right?"

His brows narrow for a bit before they straightens, and he smiles at me. "Right."

Although his 'right' has some suspicious tone into it, I can't care less. I have more important thing to think about now.

My date with Steve.

Wait, date? It is not, or is it?


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