Chapter 3

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Minho PoV.
As soon as Jisung and I entered the room, all eyes were on us- more specifically on me. If it wouldn't be for Jisung's hand on my back, softly pushing me forward, I would've chickened out.
I hung my head low, not able to look at anyone, but then I heard footsteps approaching me.

I lifted my head again and saw Amy standing in front of me. "Can we talk?", she asked softly and I regretted even more being rude towards her.

I only nodded and mentioned for her to follow me out of the room again. When I was almost out if the door right behind her, I cought Jisungs eye who smiled reassuringly at me.

I closed the door behing me and turned around to face her. I looked down instantly, knowing I was in the wrong but it was still hard to apologize.

"You don't have to apologize. I get it."

That made me look up confused because I definitely expected her to say something like 'don't get in my way of doing choreographies'. "What? But I was rude towards you, why are being so nice?"

"Back when I was at the basketballteam I used to be the small forward of our team. One day a new girl came who had everything a small forward player must have. I thought she was going to take my place or something so I was kinda rude towards her. In the end she told me she didn't even want that position as she liked to dribble and be the point guard more. I know how it feels to think your place is being taken away, so I won't hold a grudge or anything."

"I did't understand anything of that basketball philosphy but thanks for not being mad or something."

Suddenly she held out her hand and said "Let's make the choreos together and just help each other in dancing ok?" I didn't hesitate and shook her hand and started to smile.
"Let's go back. But honestly I kinda want the others to think we are still mad at each other." I smirked as I realised what she was hinting at.

"I like your way of thinking, little one."
"Call me that ever again and I make sure you'll regret it!" I turned around and was about to open the door, "Sure thing, little one" and with that I opened the door before she had time to respond.

I entered the room and huffed annoyed. I walked toward the little circle of boys and let me flop down next to Jisung without looking behind me once. "Is there anything to talk about? I still need to check my office room and set up everything there", I heard Amy say and it took me a lot of strenght not to laugh at how upset and annoyed she sounded. Come one everyone, give that girl an oscar- and while you're at it, I would want one too.

"Well, I think for now that's it but what happened?" Chan asked, turned more towards Amy, while Jisung placed a hand on my knee and looked at me questioning.

"Nothing we're fine." I replied coldly and looked up to see Amy already standing up. "Right, nothing! Bye guys I need to go now. Maybe we can see each other later." The guys just nodded while I ignored her but the moment she looked at me she smirked a little.

As soon as she left the room the members started to bombard me with questions. "I don't want to talk about it. I told you it wasn't going to work." I looked at all the members and they seemed kind of disappointed but I just shrugged it of. We can't blow our cover just yet.

I stood up and left the room without another word. A few metres further there stood Amy leaning against the wall, eyebrows raised. "What?" She just chuckled and came closer.

"Nothing, I just thought you would tell them more. Make up a story about what happened."
"You listened?"

"Obviously I did. I needed to make sure you weren't going to screw up right away."

"I feel offended"

"Good, that was my intention."

She truned around and called out to me "Are you coming?" I quickly followed her so that I was now walking beside her. "Where exactly are we going?" "To my office" she said holding up a key card.

We truned around a corner and stopped in front of a door. With the key card Amy opened the door and we went inside the room. It looked similar to Chan's room: In the back there stood a sofa against the wall. On the other side there was a desk with a chair in front of it. On the right side there was an empty shelve.

"First of all, I don't even know why I got this room. It's not like I can create a choreography in a room were I can barly to a cart wheel."

"Why would you do a cart wheel here?"

"I don't plan on doing one, that was just methaphoric."

I let myself fall onto the couch and she sat down next to me. "This room just needs a little bit of filling. It feels kinda depressing like this."
"I can help you settle in if you want."
"The Lee Minho is offering his help, I feel honoured."
"Shut up, little one!"

She glared at me but started to chuckle right after "Whatever, but I could actually need some help. Do you have a car?" I nodded and she turned once around herself.
"I actually already have ideas for this room. I could use it as study room." "You're still going to college?"

"Yeah, I study choreography at Sope. But back in Sydney I was also at an arts school. The graduation there is like the end of the third semester here. So I was able to skip those."

"Why did JYP hire you? No offence, but you don't even have a degree or even finished college. And you're younger than all of us"
"No offence taken but I think this job here has some kind of longer back story. And we don't even know each other for an hour and it takes a lot of hours of knowing me before I open up."

"You can talk to me, or any of us for that matter, if anything is bothering you ok?"

"Thanks" She leaned her head against my shoulder and I put my arm around her shoulder. "You know", she started, "I was pretty scared coming here. I thought that Chan probably doesn't remember me and I'm not really good at meeting new peolpe. It went definitely better than expected but that's on me, I always prepare for the worst."

"I'm not good around new people either if you haven't noticed yet. I usually act really cold and need time to warm up to someone."
"You warmed up to me pretty quickly" I scooted a little away from her and looked at her. "Yeah, I guess I have."

" long are we going to act like we hate each other?" I started laughing rembering the stunt we pulled on our friends. Our friends... I think we all already accepted Amy in our friend group. It was quite fast but that was probably because Chan already knew her. "You okay?"

"Yeah I just zoned out, sorry. I actually have an idea to your question: Knowing Chan, he'll probably invite you over for dinner tonight...


~Chapter 3 done

~What plan does Minho have? (It's not that great so please don't come at me)(edit: I'm proofreading and forgot the plan myself so yeah)

~until next chapter

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