Blood Born - chapter 9

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I stumbled into the castle, my legs shaking with each step.

I couldn't believe what Draco told me. I was terrified of what the elders would do

when they found out he acquired another rider. My heart raced and my mouth felt so dry.

Normal after riding a dragon?

"Evelyn?" James called from down a dark hallway.

"Hmm?" I asked, turning toward him.

"Are you alright? Where have you been?"

"Oh. I'm fine. I was just talking with...well you know."

"I see." He grasped my arm tightly, pulling me close. "You understand you can never tell anyone about him or the others, right?"

I nodded my head, trying to wrench my arm free. "I understand, James."

"I'm sorry," he said, shaking his head.

"It's fine. I know that it's important to keep them a secret. Please start to trust me, James. I know we've only just met, but I am going to be your wife. Your country is now mine."

"I know, Evelyn. Forgive me for being so anguished. With my father being so near death, anyone could try to take over the kingdom."

"But you're his legitimate son. You'll be made king. Won't you?" I asked.

"Of course, but that doesn't mean others won't try to rise up and overthrow such a young king."

"I suppose. You won't have to worry though. My father and his army will be at your side." I smiled lightly, placing my hand on his arm.

I wanted to tell him so bad I would be fighting alongside him as well, but everyone seemed so against the idea.

"Let me show you to your rooms." He held out his arm for me to take.

I nodded and accepted, following him down a hallway to large doors. He pushed them open revealing a magnificent room. The ceiling was shaped in diamonds with beautiful paintings and moldings in the center, the walls were blue and gold with amazing tapestries, and the bed and its golden curtains with leaves of green stood in front of large bay windows. A large fireplace across the room roared with flames licking toward the top of the flu.

"It's amazing," I gushed.

"I'm pleased you like them. My bed chambers are across the hall. Those doors right there."

"You're so close."

"You do still need protection. At least this way you can also have privacy."

"Where are Charlene and Elizabeth's rooms?" I asked, glancing around for another door that would connect me to Charlene.

"They are upstairs."

"Oh. Upstairs?"

"Yes. I thought you'd really like some privacy. There is no way anyone can get into this room except through that door there."

I nodded and sat on the edge of the soft bed.

"What's wrong, Evelyn? I thought you would be happy with these arrangements."

"I am, James. I am very happy. I'm just tired from the journey. I think I need a nap is all."

"Very well. Someone will come round for you at dinner."

I crawled onto the bed, kicking off my shoes, and drifted off to a restless slumber. Visions of dragons, fire, ice, and mighty battles invaded my dreams. Soaring through the sky on Draco, looking down at a war, as the wind wiped about my body, I felt as though I was one with him. Dipping down low, knocking men off their horses, he roared, releasing a fireball from the pit of his stomach. A sword in my hand, cutting down the enemy as we flew inches off the ground. I didn't want the dream to end, but like all good things, it had to come to a halt.

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